Loneliness- A strong dis-connect from own self

These days I am staying away from my family for a job assignment. First few days gone nice, but subsequently started to feel lonely.

I am really missing my kids and wife desperately. Last night this loneness was so intense that I could not have slept. To divert my mind, watched movies and listen to motivational speaker.

This has somewhat relived me but the intense feeling of solitude still there in my mind.


By nature, I am nostalgic kind of person. I remember my childhood days when my mother used to leave me for one or two days to meet relatives, I sensed the similar feeling.

This loneliness comes different form and sometime becomes so violent that, don’t find any way around.

I believe in spirituality and perform meditation every day. This is a biggest problem in my progress, current job assignment gives me some financial benefits.


I need finance to full fill my family requirement. Now, I am realizing that I am the creator only. This is happening because of illusion and some negative feeling in the mind. I should bring all the positive aspects and leave the negative one.


This is happening only because of strong disconnect from my own self. I know the change is the only constant thing. What is with me will change in the next moment.


I am trying to make up mind to avoid any such feeling of loneliness, I am sure will win over that. This is my own creation and I must have to come out from this at any cost.





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  • Hi Sanjib

    I agree with what ELF Noor said. And I hope in the near time you get a better job but living with family. Have a great month of October! :)

  • Hi Everyone,

    Thanks for reading and commenting on the post



  • Dear sanjib, The same thing sometimes happen with me. But that time if we can pass quality time then I think that loneliness will be reduced.

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  • Whenever you feel lonely, Think of them and call them , talk with them, see them.. It will decrease your loneliness. Try to stay busy, make other healthy and positive activities of your interest to stay busy..

    Thanks for sharing your  thoughts..

    keep writing..^_^

  • MMmmmm... You are right! I have just imagined myself alone in a foreign country... I think, in such moments you have to think that they are close to you... right where you are... Try to imagine that they are with you... Or I don't know... It is hard... Thank you for sharing your emotions!

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