Logical Problem 4

I see, you all like logical problems. Here is a more difficult one!Last Saturday, four neighbor boys found that work goes more quickly when friends help friends: each of the four had found a job one of the neighborhood adults, including Mrs. Wilson, needed done, and the four worked together to make fast work of the chores, one of which was cleaning a car. Given the following clues, you should be able to decide which job each found and for whom the work was done.1. Three of the friends are Alex, the one who found the job mowing the lawn, and the one who got the job from Mr. Halley.2. Mr. Trent didn't have the job staining the backyard fence.3. Alex didn't locate the window-cleaning job.4. Jason isn't the boy who got the chore from Mr. Trent.5. Mrs. Diaz didn't have the job cleaning windows; Chad isn't the friend who found the window-cleaning task.6. Mr. Halley didn't employ the boys as window cleaners.7. Chad isn't the boy who found the lawn-mowing job.8. Mrs. Diaz isn't the adult who gave Alex a job.9. The chore Ian negotiated wasn't cleaning windows.
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  • The week is over. Here is the right answer:

    Alex, cleaning car for Mr. Trent

    Chad, staining fence for Mr. Halley

    Ian, mowing lawn for Mrs. Diaz

    Jason, cleaning windows for Mrs. Wilson
  • I will try . just give me time
  • Ok. Just try. It is not that difficult
  • HI..I think i do it ..bt give me two days ;cause now i have a lot of work to do ..I have have to search on a essay that talks about phonology and comment on it and thhe next day I HAVE TO PREPARE MY SELF for the play that I'm going to do...wish me luck>>:)
  • Why are you so passive? Is it too hard for you? I am waiting for your responses!
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