What was built at Ground Zero ?
A memorial including two man-made waterfalls has been built in the footprints of the Twin towers of Manhattan.
Describe the memorial display in Bryan't park.
2753 empty chairs, representing the dead people of the terrorists attack were arranged in the Bryan't Park
What happened on September 12, 20011 ?
The memorial at Ground Zero opened to the public.
Discussion Question :
What has changed in your country in the last ten years because of 9/11 ? What has changed in other parts of the world ?
In Belgium, i have the feeling that people became more careful and conderned about things that seem to be unusual. For example, if somebody sees someone doing something strange, he/she will, now, call the police station. Before 9/11 people used to think that what others were doing in public areas was not of their business.
I also believe that, unfortunately, the gap that existed between the muslin community and non muslin people became deeper. It seems that, since the attacks, people think that every muslins are a danger for our occidental countries. Fear makes them blind....
Now, talking about other parts of the world...since 9/11, there are more terrorists attacks everywhere in the world, not only in non muslin countries. Fear became deeper everywhere and countries as the USA or France became more patriotic and more turned on themselves. Nowadays, to travel by plane is a pain in the neck because of all the security rules we have to follow. In Europe, we don't have borders anymore between the EU countries, but some countries want to restore them just as it was before the EU. In the name of chasing the terrorists, foreign military forces were engaged in Irak and in Afganistan... in vain.
Hello Expector,
Well, i would say that they were already many terrorists attacks before 9/11 but maybe you were not aware of those because, you as they were not as spectacular you hadn't hear from them.
Thanks for stoping by dear Expector.
Hello M.Adaway,
Thanks for your kind comment. This listening, reading, writing, speaking challenge is great, i wish more people would participate. Would you join us ?
Hello dear Selma,
Yes, this "listening, speaking , reading , writing" exercise is complete ! Tara always comes with great ideas ! Thanks for stoping by.
Hi Manuela,
Handling a speaking presentation into a writing consept is a very good idea.
It's been multi-purpose.
Speaking is a main idea but at the same time it can help to writing practice.
Thank you for creating a new way.
My correction is "MusliM Community",
Hello Tara, thanks for pointing out my mistakes. Here are the corrections, are those correct ?
... was not their business
Muslin community
Hi Manuela,
you can post it as your challenge in our group : Audio Speaking Group
Excellent, I follow you ;)
Excellent! Your blog is a perfect place to do this. I hope many other learners will see your model example and give it a try.
We also have a group called "Be a Newscaster" where many of the members share their recordings from EnglishClub.com's Weekly News each week.
Can you correct these phrases? If not, ask a friend to help.
not of their business
muslin community
Pronunciation Tip: In the word "memorial" the stress goes on the second syllable: me/MOR/i/al