
Life is very difficult.

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  • Yes, you are absolutely right dear Sahra, life is very difficult..  specaially virtual life...I am facing big trouble to log in for this beautiful site, for this I am.not regular now a days. yes few days ago Oporazita madam written aa bblog of her practical experience,  which I am faching also & suffering a lot... so I can say life is really difficult few moments...I will write something soon same as mybdear sister Oporazita...Nowadays I am absense in here for this reason...

  • Hello, dear Sahar!

    Surfing the net, I found one interestiing saying about life: 

    “Life is easy. It’s people who make it complicated”

    I totally agree with this wise quote. People often create the storm and complain when It is raining. 

    Take it easy, dear! 

  • I don't think so, Sahar.

    Just keep faith and hope with you. Best wishes. :)

  • There is no doubt!

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