My dear friends! I am unsure of being able to spend much time here tomorrow, so, I am posting this blog today so that you will be able to game here since the moment as we have already got August winners. I propose to start each month with ROUND 1 for us not to deal with multiplace numbers. Here are our categories:
1. Culture/traditions/customs.
2. Literature/language.
3. Nature/animals/pets.
4. Science/engineering/technology.
5. Music/art/architecture.
6. History/philosophy.
7. Movies/theater/TV.
8. Gastronomy/cuisines.
9. Sports.
10. General knowledge.
11. Puzzles/numbers.
12. A Black Box.
Here are our rules:
1. Each participant has 3 attempts to give the correct answer.
2. The answer may be a single word, a proper noun, a phrase, a quotation, whatever.
3. A winner should ask his question within the given categories naming the category and scoring his question. Any host can ask video/audio questions. Any question should contain some hints/clues.
4. A winner may refuse from asking the question. In this case, I choose the next host or ask myself.
5. A host of the round doesn’t give any hints and answers only YES/NO.
6. You may google or get the information from any sources.
And here is the link where the newbeis can learn more about Jeopardy:
Let's have a great time together!
Afro 2000.
ELF 3600
Serene 5750
Noas 1100
Peppo 3200
Risty 2500
Mishaikh 500
Lucinka 3800
Onee 1200
Hi, my friends! The month is over and today I will announce our winners. I will do it in our new group and this blog is closed.
Thanks everyone for the nice game!
Not in this blog. You may be able to vote the questions before our teachers wake up. :D
Congratulations Peppo!
I won the last round, lol xD
-no idea what am I proud of-
Thanks Luci^^ -maybe I should wait until you raise the score, hehe- cheat alert :D
Anyway, bed time.
Gnite everybody!!!
Thanks for splendid games :D -runaway-