Aloha little EC birds!
As some of you already know, I was labeled as 'Spambuster' some days ago. After complaining about it (that's so ME, right?) that label was removed and replaced for another pretty much cooler: 'REBEL'!
I admit it was cool and funny to feel like the 'Officially MyEC Rebel' for some days, but I had the feeling it couldn't last... Just how it happend.
But anyway, I don't wanna bore you with my sob story; I've no time for boo-hoos! As creative person, every experience I have (no matter how silly it is) it gives me some ideas, so here is this one:
LET'S LABEL OURSELVES! Because we all deserve our 15 minutes of fame! :D
Okay, this is what I want you to answer (don't worry "lazy commenters", you just have to write 2 words if you don't wanna hurt your fingers typing too much)
1) What would you like to have written in your avatar (anything you like, but the funniest the better) according to how would you like to see yourself?
2) What do you think should be written in your avatar taking in mind your activity in the site?
Tell me about it in the comments and... I'll work the 'magic'! ;)
Question 1) - Queen of the Universe.
Question 2) - Pain in the Rear End.
So, that's all! Tell me about it and I'll reply with your avatar labeled ;)
Let's have a lil bit of fun!
Thanks for reading.
and thanks in advance for showing your sense of humor.
Whoah! Feels like one of Charles' Angels... :D
Baho26, so it was 'Dark horse', not 'Dark house'? Okay, that makes much more sense... :/ Good to know you don't have any problem for paying the bill of the electricity company then :D
Elf-Noor, okay at least I can get to understand your labels more than many of the ones I've read here haha... Thanks!
SNR, 'sweet nice rose', how cute :)
WOw... Mary, interesting Blog..
I would like to Label myself like this..
-Deep Observer.
You humble me. Much obliged, Your Highness.
No way Roman. That goat is cooler than we all :P
MARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I though that i am cooler than everyone... Including the goat!
Onee-chan, No, still I don't get it... but thanks for such a detailed explanation :/
A7! Thanks! ^_^
How could I 'label' someone who is one of a kind! Well... I guess just like this:
Seeker, Okaay... But your smiley in the comment isn't a contradition?
"Positive Generator"? Me?? Okay... tell me that when you see me in a heated argument with someone here XD
Btw, I couldn't help to prepare an avatar for your cool goat, she's so charming... I think you should open a profile for her in EC!
Thank you very muchly Ada and Rosemary! ^_^