wich of them you prefer .i think there are some advantages and disadvantages for each of them and choose one of them depened on your character and your situation .my dear friend please help me to write a good introuduction.

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  • Oh, pal!
    Actually this issue has made my mind really busy and I've been thinking of that for a long time. I was about to make a blog so that yours motivated me to complete it.
    Generally and ignoring sb's personal taste in learning, sth can be understood well in a group by the condition of association and not just being in gatherings as a spectator. I've taken lots of courses in English and have passed the terms with the same guys and classmates but I did learn it better through self-study. The reason is only one thing: We do not have cooperation with each other and most of us come to pass the courses for the following ones so it's palpable that no advantages will be gained by snuggling. Once the teacher hadn't come and I tried to lead the class by discussion or asking their new vocabularies or other issues for exchanging our knowledge apart from being based on going forward with book, only… but they didn't show any interest toward that; then I left them alone.
    Self-study lonely and group work; both of them have fifty-fifty effect on learning a language or any other subjects. So not every time we have to hang up on only one of them. The example below can be somehow relative and suitable:
    Last week on a TV show I saw some guys as geniuses in learning foreign languages. It was really interesting to me that they even knew Chinese and Japanese very well. They talked about how they worked together (explaining by one of them): "I'd learned 4 languages by myself and through other help sources (self-study)*. After some years I found this guy and he'd learned 3 other ones just how I did. Having gotten familiar and friend with each other, we started exchanging our knowledge and currently both we've been studying on different ones (cooperation)*"
    Noticing how they work, we can understand the importance of aspects in studying manners… If they hadn't studied by themselves before, snuggling for group work would be totally in vain. They were leaders of each other in their 2-member group. Even the one who was married had 2 children by the ages of 5 and 6… They could talk in English and French as well as their mother's tongue. Just the same how my teacher had done to his child within help of his wife for English:
    It's been quite of a while I've been studying on German but having no friend or a real classmate I cannot make so well in that. Otherwise their help could make me proceed better, faster and could pass a 6-month way in maybe 3-month way.

  • Study in group is totally wasting of precious time.  These days it is obsolete, because whenever a student who is studying alone, stuck up in some problem, he/she immediately approach the right friend through cell phone and amicably solve the problem, otherwise in group the time is wasted in odd conversation and discussion.

    This is my opinion, everyone is free to contridict it.

  • DEAR benson i said the way you choss for study depened on your character . and i want know your idea about this writing as an introuduction



    dear soha, I personaly prefer to study grouply. In this way i have more motivation to continue.In a group u can exchange ur information, work out mistakes and evaluate if u r making progress in improving or not. Besides, it is more pleasurable coz u usually have fun with friends in a group. ;-)


  • studing English depened on our character?

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