This is a very important question. What is very important organ in our body?
I asked this question to many people and see their answers
Kid:- " Mouth is important with out that we can't eat, So we can't survive"
Teacher:-"Nose, with out that we can't exhale and inhale, so no life"
Doctor :- Lugs with out that we can't complete exhale and inhale
Writer:-Eyes, without that world is dark
Football Player:- Legs, without that I can't play
Lady: Tongue, with this I can't talk, so no meaning of my lifeans
Couple : Sex organs, without this no sex
Engineer : Head, without this we can't think
Teenager told: Fingers, without this I can't operate my mobile phones
What is your answer...I am waiting
We can't perfer an orange in the human body . We ought think of the body as a whole functioning together and supporting each other . However , from a spiritual point of view and according to my culture , a person is 2 little things his tongue and heart
Through these 2 organs , everyone show what they really are . In the heart lie the intentions and the tongue convey it through words :)
I vote for the Skin... because she holds together our body and our skin is the biggest breath organ