i'm tired of everything

this is my first post. i feel tired right now. i'm going to get to sleep but before that i'm going to rearrange my thoghuts by writing this post. it's a little cold in my room but it's ok to me because i like cold. I feel cold inside as well. it's like an harmony between outside and insede of me. I'm a little unsattled because I have an exam in four days ahead. It's no big deal but i feel a little fidgety. being nervious is not an strange thing to me. I don't know what I need because nothing is intresting to me.(yeah...i'm depressed)

the only thing I need is to sleep for whole eternity. I need to forget everything. I need to let go of the world . let the world be occupied with his own bissiness: economic crisis, war, poverty, social injustice, corruption, racism, environmental polution, etc. I need to forget all of the faces I've seen during my life and let them sink in their superficial world: money, love, getting laid, being attractive,good-looking,famous, powerful, etc... who cares what's happing in their little hyperactive mind of them?

i need to immerse in a dark, thick, warm, quiet space. an space in nowhere, without any portion of time  and full of oblivion and innocence... i need to stop being active and let go myself float in dreams; dreams that are full of living tasteful colors. I am tired. I am weary. I could sleep for thousand years. I need to sleep...but I can't.

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  • Let yourself see the other side of the world too ...With flowers and angels too ...Mom ...Babies ...We have innocence around us but we should keep our eyes open ...Yet we have enough of darkness that our body and soul needs to set calmness in us ...Night for rest (but there are many who enjoy the opposite or let's say are USED TO being the opposite of the nature !)...Day for work and enjoyment ! ....You know once I was reading the newspaper where they've written sth about the symptoms of being depressed and I began to say to myself that yeah I am what the text says ...depressed ...then I talked to sb and I was told that I shouldn't think like that ...If I accept that I am depressed I will go on the same ...I should try to make a change ...Not to always tell myself I am depressed (though I know that sometimes we get so tired that we forget such fundamentals of living happily )

    ...Anyway, I know that you get tired ...We are all in the same boat ...But when you feel so, just relax, take a rest and do what you enjoy without thinking about what brings stress to you,like exam or so ...Then when you took enough rest accept that it was enough for you and now you are fresh and energetic ready to be back to other tasks to do ...

    Try to have fun during your tasks like studies ...I do know that stress is an obstacle but you should just ignore it by not focusing on it ...Just let it go !

    I think you just need some rest ...And you need to go to the nature to relax ...A less crowded park seems good...Oh, yeah ...I remembered a key that has worked for me ...Doing some sports or exercises ...Swimming is wonderful ...So good for relaxation ...Jogging is also good ...Walking also can be good just in case that you don't waste your time by thinking ....I think running can be better since you have less time to think of redundant stuff ...Speedy and hard exercises are great ways of releasing your negative energy and changing them into positive ...

    I hope you success ...

    Just don't stay in the blues ...it happens to us all sometimes to feel so ...but we should try to get out of it soon ...

    Have a nice time...


  • Why so desperated? But I can understand you, I have the same feeling. I am not tired, just feel very anxious. But this is life, we have to keep on. Because we are young.  

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