I Want To Venture on Photography

A picture is a record of an extremely brief occurrence. Looking at a picture, I become nostalgic. I may feel different emotions wrapped in the picture: happiness, sadness, longing, despair, etc. It is like an exercise of the emotional memory.


Someone said that if his house was burnt and he needed to save important things before everything turns into ashes, he would choose to save the photo albums after saving the lives of the people. His message means that all other things can be replaced but not the picture. This, of course, has changed in the present generation since we now typically keep a soft copy of the pictures online. Thanks to the advent of the present technological innovation.


Once again I wrote a blog about it. Please click on the link to access my blog The Fun in Photography.

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  • I also like photography and I wish I can capture beautiful pictures, but I am still learning how to click the button still :D :D

    About a man who prefer to save his pictures first other than saving lifes.. Well, if he lost his pictures it is a sad thing. Those pictures help us to remember our happy days etc, but those are memories from the past. It is more sad if we lost people whom we care and love so much than losing pictures :)

    I uploaded some of my pictures here and it is one of those pictures.



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