I quit my job today

I knew when I agreed to take the job in Longgang, Shenzhen, Guongdong, China I was taking a risk.  Red Flags had arisen early.  Supposedly hired in early June of 2013, I heard nothing on the paperwork I needed to obtain my Visa.  I finally contacted the "Managing Director" in early July and was told that the Chinese Government was moving slowly.  I waited.  At the end of July I was asked to come obtain an F Visa instead of continuing to wait on a Z Visa (Proper work Visa).  I was told they would get the proper Z visa for me once I arrived.

Knowing I was taking a risk, I went ahead and obtained the Visa and flew to Shenzhen.  Eight months later (today) I quit.  I came to China to see how it compared to other places I had been and to experience more directly the culture.  Now I am left wondering " Are all English Language Centers run the same as this one?  Are all untrustworthy?"  The only way I will discover the answer is to find work elsewhere in this twin metropolis area.  I will start looking on Monday.

Meanwhile, the center I just left sent me a threatening letter. Should I be worried?  Should I take them serious?  A center they brought me illegally to work in China is going to take me to court?  I don't know.

Many end up in these situations blindly.  I have no such excuse.  I knew I was taking a risk.  I am prone to trust someone until they prove they can't be trusted.  That is my personality.  Maybe this is just one bad apple.  I hope it is but am afraid it isn't.

My F Visa expires August 9.  If I can find sufficient work, I will stay until then.  If I can find an honest employer, I may stay longer with a proper Z Visa.  That assumes that I am not tossed out earlier by the government.

Time will tell.

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  • Sofia   I knew I was taking a risk.  I often do things that I advise others against :)  The post was to bring awareness to others.  Not everyone can afford to take such a risk - their personalities would not do well with the stress.  For me it's like water off a duck's back.

    Ah_TK   Thanks.  I came to see how China compared to other places and to experience more directly what I just glimpsed from afar while working and living in Hong Kong.  Now I will look for another job here (or jobs) to pay the bills and explore the area.  If I don't find it here, then I'll look elsewhere.

    There is always a silver lining in every cloud.  I have met some wonderful people here also and made new friends.   

    Mickey   Thanks and I am aware of the problems that would face the center should they cause problems.  I have been told they have decided to "Let sleeping dogs lie".

  • Don't worry, Allah is with the believers & patience.

  • Shame on the center! I hope they will gain what they have sowed in the near future. [It's their big loss to let the good teachers go!]

    I'm sorry for what you have experienced and wish you good luck later on.

    As for their theat, you can forget it. How dare them throw themselves to the court when they illegally recruited foreign teachers. [The government will fine them if they know the center hire you with an F visa.]

    Anyway, have a nice rest and then start a new chapter of your exploration in China. ;-) Giggling.

  • Tim, you are a great teacher :) i know that cuz you helped me many times before.

    Tim, life is a long journey everyday we learn something new so don't be sad bcuz if it was an unpleasant experience at least you have seen new places and witnessed a different culture.

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