I Am Terribly Sorry!

I am terribly sorry for those who want to bring justice with injustice, love with cruelty, freedom with dictatorship, peace with fight and politeness with impoliteness. I wish we could understand the graceful gesture of a flower against the wind, the smoothness of water through a stone and self-givingness of sun to all creatures.All the best,Nafis
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  • Dear Mayumi,

    You don't know how much your wonderful comment made me grateful. I am so glad to get to know you and thanks a lot for your compliment. It really makes me wonder how some people are so sure the way they live is the best over other ways of life? But, how can a person be so sure? you know, all people are like a tree with the same root but different branches. Some only see the branches. Only few people see the root. What a pitty!!

    Talking to you is a great joy dear Mayumi. Hope to see you more!

    A big hug to you,
  • DEarest Nafis,

    My friend, I am the one who should thank you about bringing these thoughts to my senses...Really your explanation is so clear and so much true...In what I see here, is your heart and your soul talking through your mind..I think you are not only carefully have been thought about these things, but also, you've been living them..You apply it in your life...And that's really what matter most and great about you...

    How you explain these three lines are so wonderful for me..There are so much wisdom on it...The first one, you made it clear for me that in spite the adversities in our lives, we should not treat them as our enemy..We treat them as our friend as the flower learned how to be friend of the wind. Trials are always there, we are the one who should adjust. We should the one who have the flexibility...So as the wind or the trials pass we can stand gracefully because we have the humility to accept it as it is, but also we have the strong heart to think that these trials will only passing by us...and we can rise above them gracefully after they pass...

    And about the stone and the water, you perfectly laid your ideas here...The persistent loving heart can soften even the hardest stone heart...Really there's so much wisdom in your words..

    And the sun's self giving, not thinking himself..I agree so much to you..We are all here to have further understanding of each other...If we people only think that all human are good as God created all His creatures as good and perfect...we will never have a time to see imperfections in our fellows...But only those good things in her/him..We will never argue but keep interest to him/her because we know all of us have different , interesting and valuable opinions that we can share to each other that in a way can open our eyes to see there's so much beauty beyond of what only our mind can think of...Like now, as I think of your beautiful lines...You made my eyes open of these very precious thoughts..I never learned them in books...but you brought them to me..

    So, I must say thank you once again....
  • Dearest Mayumi,

    Thanks a million times for what you wrote here. They are so lovely. It is my pleasure to tell you what I meant. A flower is soft and gentle and the wind is harsh and sometimes so mean because it can bring hurricane and destroy everything. Imagine, when wind flows, what does a flower do? If flower stands upright and tight, it will be broken by the harsh wind. But, nature knows so much and in a great way, the flower bends and be flexible and this flexibility gives the flower to stand firm.

    Again, have you ever seen a stone cracked by water? There are lots of stones that can be broken by the power of water. But, water itself is so smooth and soft and is not able to do anything. If water be persistent and patient, it can go through a stone and break its heart.
    Again, Sun gives all it has to all creatures without expecting anything in return. Sometimes, I think even nature can know what they should do but, people do not. I do not want to disrespect anyone here but it made me so sad when I see people are fighting over silly minor subjects. Some say we are here to understand each other but what does understanding mean really? Is it that one attack another only for his/her different ideas or personality? Understanding in my opinion means to accept different ideas not only be with ideas that are similar to ours.

    What do you think dear Mayumi? I would appreciate and look forward to know your idea about it.

    Thanks for your nice comment,
    Take care,
  • I wish we could understand the graceful gesture of a flower against the wind
    --She let the wind pass her..She let the wind guide her..She accept the wind as it is..
    It's the wonder of friendship.

    The smoothness of water through a stone
    --While the water shapes the stone. The stone makes the water more smooth in it's flow..It's the wonder of steadfast companionship.

    Self-givingness of sun to all creatures
    --Sun's never ending 'unselfishness' to all..Giving all of him and expecting nothing in return..

    Dear Nafis, these three lines could mean many many beautiful things...They are truly worth of pondering!

    I'll be very glad if you explain it too a little further for me...Please?
  • Dear Mayumi,

    Thanks for your encouraging words!

  • Dear M.Adaway,

    I am so sorry if my writing is not so clear. But, I can give you an example. I have seen some people want to make others polite. So, they say for instance "shut up! your idea is totally wrong!" They want to teach him to be polite but they use impolite words to give others a lesson. It is a pitty after all!

    Thanks a lot for reading,
    Take care,
  • Dear Nadiyah and dear manuela,

    Thanks a lot for reading.
    With love,
  • What a wonderful thoughts!
  • Dear Nafis,

    We live in a paradoxical world !
  • dear nafis,

    all need time to process, the key is patience ......
    like Moses/Musa took forty years to achieve freedom from oppression king pharaoh

    thanks for a nice topic, have a great time for you

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