For most who are in college or in high school, whenever the teachers require you to pass a written report, then you can only groan in utter disgust. Written reports can be very troublesome, most especially if you do not like the topic. Nevertheless, you need to accomplish this task in order for you to get a good mark but then the question is how. Most people nowadays rely on the Internet to check for any information on the topic and also use English grammar checkers in order to check the spelling. This is not a bad idea but depending too much on technology is the work of a lazy person. You will only get frustration once your teacher gives you a poor grade for a poorly made written report.So how do you make a good written report? The answer lies in a well-researched topic and also preparation. For example, if you are to make a written report about a certain movie that your class has seen last week, then you can always check the Internet for information about the movie. There are also some movie reviews that might give you more insights. However, never copy the movie review or worse, submit the movie review as your own. This is called plagiarism and may result in dire consequences. Getting small bits of important information can indeed help to make your written report more interesting to read.Since we have already talked about the use of Internet for research, we will now talk about writing down the written report. If you don’t like to be disturbed or distracted, then you might want to write your written report in a place where it is quiet. Don’t make the written too long and too short. Make it a habit to write a written report that is straight to the point. Avoid fancy words as it may be too difficult to read. If you wish to use a English grammar software to check your work, then do so. Remember that using the Internet and other tools is fine, as long as it is not used as a shortcut tool.Read more.