Since we have an audio group in MyEC, many members face a problem using Vocaroo to record their voice. I suggest them to record their voice by computer then upload it here. To do so, there are just 2 steps:


  1. Record your voice by computer. You can see this blog to know How to Record Voice Using Your Computer.


  2.Upload your voice as a comment in two steps.

         A. click on the fifth icon from the left.


        B. Browse your file and then title it.


Ps. The icon above appears in creating blogs, comments in pages, and comments in groups. So, if you want to post your voice somewhere else, just copy the code and paste it wherever you want.

I would like to ask Mr. Essberger and Miss. Benwell here to make this icon appears everywhere in MyEC.


Pss. Don't forget to test these steps and post your voice here as a comment!




Good Luck

Skoon ...

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  • Lynne, I'm happy that you tried these steps and they work with you. But where is your voice? Let's hear you and know you more !


    Skoon ...

  • siriA, you are most welcome dear, but where is your voice dear ??
  • Oh dear Rabab, Thanks for your nice words, but why you didn't share your voice with us? I'm afriad you would defeat us all by your fluent accent !

    Waiting to hear your voice soooooooon ;)

    Skoon ...

  • notears, hey dear sister, I heard your voice, what an amazing voice you have with that noise you mixed ! heheh. Thanks for giving us the chance to hear your voice dear ! ^_^

  • Thank you so much ŞЌǾǾ₦ ΆŁ-฿ẪĦЯ. This blog you have created for us is really very helpful. I tried this on one of my previous blog, it really works!

    Again, thank you so much for the kindness.

    Good day!


  • Thanks skoony for the tips.

    Very helpful.

    By the way I have heard ur voice in the group.

    Woow u rock MashAllah after hearing u and the others there it would be more difficult to share mine :S.

  • Yes You are right in the two cases; I'm young because I just passed 20 years old last December, and that our knowledge will increase when we hear his/her voice. We will put the voice with the name, with the written, with the picture. We will feel as if we really know him/her very well. :)
  • @nida, come on. I know your voice is lovely, especially because you are Pakistani. You have special accent which I love so much ! ^_^ I'm eager to hear your voice !

    @ Karenina: You are most welcome and I'm happy that it works with you now and you can record your voice, but wait !! where is your voice here ?! :O

    @Ramona: You are most welcome dear. That's good you don't face any problem with Vocaroo ! ;) But why you didn't post your voice ? Opps I'm sad now :(

  • Dear Skoon, my voice is "horrible". Don't wish to hear it or you'll get nightmares..........
  • @Nida, and Nadiyah: Thanks for both of you but where are your voices ??

     @Smith: It doesn't appear here in blog comments, but it does in page comments and group comments too. You can go to your page then click on that icon and title it. Then copy the code and paste it here :)

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