What does it mean if I am up to my eyeballs in work?
How do you know what the meaning of these letters are?
What is my Avatar trying to say?
If you didn't have me, figuring out the meanings above might take some time and a bit of work. But as I mentioned, you have me! The great thing about that is that you can learn what these 3 Bitmojis are trying to express and can learn over 50 more vocabulary words and expressions on my blog today.
In addition to learning these common phrases, you can see how you'll continue learning with your own Bitmoji. The app is such a fun way to communicate with friends, so when a learning opportunity is fun... I take it and I roll with it! Bitmoji uses natural language and follows trends that are happening within society and the English language. That hashtag cartoon is a perfect example of this, taking a modern viral (Internet) trend and giving it to the public. Learn more than just language, get caught up on trends and what "the cool kids" are saying these days. Visit the blog by clicking here, or type this short link in your browser: http://wp.me/p46Lu3-lV
Don't forget to share with me what you've learning. Good luck and Happy studying!
For more great posts on English learning tips, visit: www.jenesl760.com