Hi, this blog post seems to be my first writing in here..

Owh, by the way, have you ever thought that talking to other people about something you want them to do is a difficult thing? Instead of doing what you want, other people just give you the opposite. So disappointed, right? Well, perhaps an information below gives you a point of view how to convince someone to do what you want.

There are 2 (two) techniques to convince someone to do what you want. First, is what called The Foot-in-the-door techniques. You can use this technique when you want something big. In spite of situation that you want something big, you just start to asking something small. Furthermore, people tend to give you the big one after they already given you the small one. For instance, if you want your friend finishing project in instant, who you thought he or she was a due-date-line typical person, u might start to ask he or she to find on the internet about some information you've already listed. Thus, she or he tend to do give you something big after she or he did the first small one.

On the other hand, the second technique is The Door-in-the-face. You start asking something big, though you want something small. Other people will refuse in the first respon, afterward they will give you the small as you want. For example, in the contrast of the example before, you want to do the project in staged process. Simplify, you starting to ask your friends to finishing project instantly. Of course they tend to refuse it. Thus, they tend to give you suggest or doing projects step by step as you want.

Here is just an information about convincing other to do what we want. Well, honestly, I got this information for a recording in toefl practice, if I'm not mistaken, it is from Longman edition. I thought it will very useful for other knowing this information.

Ok, this is it..and and voila! finally, i did it ^_^ my first writing..what is your opinion?

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  • Yes Mishaikh, he is! and I very apreciate it, great ^_^

  • I apropos to the comment of Ehab Nassif. He is very comprehensive in his comments.

  • Hi Dee Dee,

    yeah, you can do it.. but how about if your teacher want you for doig homework? will you? #LOL

  • Hi Ehab,

    How do you do?

    Thank you for your comment. That's very meaningful to me. According to your opinion, i can not be more agree. We must obviously convince with ourselves, that is i often do right now. For example, I study hard due to my next exam, that's particularly as a way to convince myself for passing the exam with good score. Therefore, i can convince my friends to study hard for the exam, and equally important is to pray. Particularly, I always convince other people based on my own experience that i'v been through before.

  • Hello Diah 

    I congratulate you on writing  your first blog here . you start and we wait more and more . 2388909939?profile=original

    In My opinion

     Before you try to convince anyone else, be sure you are convinced, and if you cannot convince yourself, drop the subject.

  • Thank you Tara, I hope I can improve my english, particularly about grammar. I'm not quite sure sometime about it neither. Despitefully, I often need a little bit longer time to find a vocab in english..

  • Very interesting! You've done a great job paraphrasing what you learned from a listening task. I hope you'll keep writing!

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