How did a poor farmer become king?

    I read this story in Urdu a long time ago. I tried to recall it, so as to translate it into English. Somehow, I did it. So, please read it carefully and rectify where necessary.

    There was a pious, kind-hearted and God-fearing King, under the kingdom of whom, people were leading very prosperous life. The king became too old. The problem was that he had no son to whom he could hand over his kingdom. Therefore, he was very worried about his people. Finally, he asked his wife for a piece of advice. After consulting with her, he came to a decision,so he issued a decree that whosoever fed any beggar would be beheaded publicly. he then ordered to proclaim his order in all the nook and corner of his state.

   The king, after Sun set, disguised himself as beggar, and went out of his palace. He roamed about the streets and knocked at every door. But no sooner did people hear him saying " I am a beggar and hungry for two days, please give something to eat for the sake of Allah", they pushed him mercilessly, and slammed the door at his face. Almost everyone behaved in the same manner. Having seen such attitude of his people, he was very disappointed.

   Finally, he knocked a poor farmer's door. The farmer, himself, opened the door. The beggar repeated his request before him " I am a beggar and hungry for two days. Please give something to eat for the sake of Allah." farmer let him in. The beggar entered hut. "sit down here" said the farmer. then he went to corner which was his kitchen and came back with something in his hand and served before him. The beggar, at once, said " Didn't you hear king's order?" "Yes, I did " replied the farmer. The beggar said " Do you imagine what may happen if the king gets to know all this?". "I know, I will be beheaded publicly and what else can he do?" The farmer replied angrily. The beggar said " it means you don't fear the king, do you? The farmer replied " yes, I do, but I fear Almighty Allah more than this king". Hearing these words from a farmer, the beggar got so much excited. As this beggar, himself, was the king, who was looking for such a God fearing and brave person, in order to hand him over his kingdom.

     Next day, he ordered everyone to assemble before his palace. When all his subjects gathered, he address them "O people! last night, I knocked at the door of you all, just to see who truly fear Allah, but I found out that you all people fear me more than the real King (Allah), except this farmer. Therefore, today I declare that from today, he's the king of this state. Thus, this poor farmer became the king

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  • The fear of Allah relieves God-fearing person from all worldly apprehension which stands in the way of virtuous deeds. This is my conclusion.:)
  • Dear Ogundele,

    Thank you so much for taking time and reading it. you found it very helpful especially in an area of confidence and bravery toward Allah, I am so much glad.

    Thank you so much for the comment 

  • Thanks a lot arif saeed. I really find it very helpful especially in an area of confidence and bravery towards Allah.

  • Dear Faisal, 

    You are right! it has nice message and great lesson.

    Thank you so much for sharing your opinions with us 

  • You're most welcomed!
    Yeah! You and me always run on the same page, but sometimes, it seems we run on inverse direction of the same page, don't we?  :D

    Thank again for commenting.
  •        Thanks my friend for your nice comment. You and me always run on the same page. God bless you.

  • I agree with whole of your context.
    Unfortunately, bitter truth is that unkind king is ruling us since we became unkind with ourselves.
    Thank you so much for your nice comments.
  •        My friend allow me to say that; nowadays there is no king wants one of his people to be afraid from Allah but from him..........only him. I dare you or any one else to prove the opposite. Anyway my friend, while I was reading your nice story for the second time, all the time, I felt the light of God touches my heart in so much I wished to be the poor farmer, not because he became the king at the end of the story but because, he didn't escape away from the light of God, down to the valley which is filled with snakes and beasts. He always lives his life, with all its details, within the light of God, what a lucky man he was!!!!!!!! Thanks my friend for the meaningful story and God bless you.

  • Dear Azhar,

    You liked it, but you didn't like it. :)
    Thank you for your opinion. I liked it too I mean your comments :)
  • Dear Sana,
    It's kind of you to read my blog despite reading it many times :)

    Your conclusion "just Allah is one n great.He is owner of lives.Fear from only one who is ur lord.If u tightly grip believe's rope on Allah then everything will be nice." That's true!

    Thank you so much for sharing your conclusive points.
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