What’s a long time!!!!....  I was so busy that I could not come here. I missed you all so much. Now, I will be back and dear, please welcome me (of course, just welcome and no homework .. else, I will run away again kakaka).

     As my friend –Onne Chan- she described me as a Mom who has 3 kids and all my blog write  about LOVE and KIDS, so this time, I come to our club with  a new dream. Yep, I am dreaming about money ..lol..and every day (nope, exactly every minute) I think about it and I find out some ways for earning money in Vietnam (remember, it’s just my opinion and I’m not sure that you will be sucessful or not). So my friends, if you have a plan for visiting or staying here for some years. Let’s have a look and need help??? OK, my hands are free...

     I used “first way” in my title because as I see it’s the best way and can help you earn money easily. You’re here –EnglishClub- means you’re very good at English, right? So becoming an English teacher is a good job. You can earn around 20$/hour. Most of Vietnamese parent wants their kids to learn English as a second language so they invest so much monney for the kid’s knowlege. A best school, a good teacher or if they can..they will invite you to come to their house and teach only the kid. 20$/hour, one day, you just teach 5 hours and will earn 100$. One month is 3,000$ and you can save 2,000$ for yourself (rent a house and food will be take 1,000$). That’s really a interesting job, isn’t it?

     And if you have money I mean if you already have a bit money and want to earn more. You can find a house and open an “english school” here. I don’t know how much you can earn by this way but as I see, some of my friends is opening the school and stay untill now (that’s mean they got benefit, right?). The important  thing is ...you must love kids, you teach them with your sweetheart and sure, you will get more pupils by the parent’s introduce. I really like it. I intend to open a school but now, it’s too late because of my old age hahaha....

     So that’s all for this way. Now, do you want to hear my way for earning money? Oh, very very easy, I am sucessful but you won’t....why? let’s see.

     Every day, I wake up, after cleaning  everythings I make up my face (use “a red lipstick”  put on my mouth), a beautiful dress,  oh oh..need a high heels and, and, and......come back to my bed room (where my hubby is still sleeping and still dreaming that’s why he always says “yes” because he thinks I’m a fairy lol..lol...lol.... ), touch my hand to his hand, give him a lovely smile and ask : Darling, today I am into shoping, can I take 500$ in your vallet, please, please, please....

     As I told , the aswer is alway : YES

     Tell me... Is my way easy?


     See you in next blog. Thanks

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  • It is nice to hear that your people encourage their children to learn English language as a second language. Sourly, your country engorges all people to learn and improve their skills. I have just known the reason behind the development of your county in a very short period, it is education.
    You are welcome mitran . I feel happy here because most of our old friends are still here in English club.

  • nice to read your beautiful post..thanks for sharing a great idea of your country... I appreciated it..

  • Mirtraaan,

    :D Good job! Many women enjoy that way for earning money. lol...

    So I still have great opportunity to build an English school there... ^^ Great! 3,000$/ month [applause]. But, I will get far with my parents. :( D

    Well, to be honest, money is not my aim for work now. So, I enjoy sharing knowledge, and will continuously do it, as my intention.

    But, where's your fourth kid? :D I think it is the one whom you earn money from. :p

    Please write more, my dear friend, Mom Mitran. I'm so glad to read from you again. Thank you for sharing this precious information. ^_^

  • Tsk...tsk...tsk!

    Is that your way of earning your money (mugging your husband)?  And you really know the right timing, eh!  While he is half asleep and not yet in his full sense, you attack him, lol!

    Anyway, I am sooooo glad to see you actively writing again.  Don't worry, I even don't have time to correct some blogs here so you don't need to be fidgety over homeworks.  I am super super busy and my visit to EC is always a once in a blue moon case nowadays!

    Welcome to EC, once again, dear Miss Vietnam!  Your rival is soon to bloom. (I am talking about my goddaughter, kekeke!)  Well, she got her looks from me so I am sure she will grow most beautifully.

  • Hi Mitran! :D

    I like the way you explain about getting money from your husband :DDD

    About teaching English, I think those people must be really very good in English to teach a kid at home. Because in this case one must be not only good in English, but also have knowledge knowledge of child psychology. At school teacher can just teach according to the teaching program. But at home, teaching only one kid, he/she must be able make it interesting for that kid.

    But 3000$ I think it is worth it. :D

    Thank you for sharing! 

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