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  • Don't let your life be wasted for someone who is not worth it. Go out and meet new friends coz there are people who are more deserving of your attention and time. Sooner you will forget him. Make friends coz frienship is the foundation of a relationship.
  • l hope so rosemie becuase now l am feeling afraid all the time when l met new people and l don't like to konow anyone new because l don't want to feeling hurts more
  • Time will heal all the pain that you are suffering now. Yes, there is someone that really destined for us. All the pain and heartache will go away and your heart will be filled with happiness and so much joy whenever you meet him.
  • l hope so rosemie and l am waiting for him for a long time and when he comes l think l will start new life and feeling very happy and flying in the sky , smile all the time but now my life is stoped in this point and l am trying to living and go way ... l think some times there is some one seraching from me and when Allah allows to him to find me he will find me
  • To love and be loved is the most wonderful feeling a woman could experience. It is better to love and be hurt than not to love at all. Life is full of surprises, you will never know that there is someone waiting for you along the way, so don't turn your head back to the past just look forward to what is ahead of you...move on..because love is somewhere out there just looking for the right time to be with you..
  • If someone love you, (s)he won't let you sad. If someone made you sad, (s)he doesn't love you!
    So, why?
    Face the truth and keep walking :D
  • if love comes your way again
    you should go for it
    you may not make the same mistake, i feel when one grows older,life will be much lonelier so another attempt to lead a complete life should be so.
  • really thank you karenina for your kind comment , may be l want to take time but now l am feeling soooooooooooooooo sad and my live stop in this point , some times l thinking l have to living my life and it's ok mant people feeling in love and some broken down in love but they continoun their life so l have to living happy and flying in the sky and it's ok l will met some one love me and take my hand and allow my tears but some times l miss him soooooooooo much and l want to talk with him but it's sooooooooooo hurts becuase l can't do that .
    l know life follow up everyday and don't stop to any one , we are stop our life with hands .
  • thank you amye
  • you are right shidah but reallu it's sooooooooooo diffcult when you feeling your heart is broken down and you haven't any way to back your love and must take you life in the box and run way ... we asked Allah to give strong to be living without lover but in the end it's take a long time to take your life and going in your way .
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