Health is Wealth

Eating is my favorite thing to do aside from reading. Especially these holiday season, I can't resist eating even though sometimes my stomach is full. Just kidding. We must all remember that you should know what you eat and in moderation. There's a saying that health is wealth. I find it true. It's because if we are healthy, we feel good about ourselves and to others. We can think clearly. We can enjoy every minute of our lives here on earth.Aside from eating, we should have time for exercise. even just a 5 to 15 minutes, 3 days a week. I think that helps a lot. Much better than not exercising at all. Experts say that if you exercise, your body releases endorphin, a good happy feeling! I definitely agree because I always felt it after I exercised.I think, I will always see to it that I eat healthily, aspire to be good to myself and to others and live in peace...................Gracias!Happy New Year!Rob
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  • @ Nadiyah

    Please bear with my super duper late response! I hope you're in a healthy condition. Thank you for the comment. :)

  • Thank you, Beethoven! This is such a very old blog. I'm glad that you took time to read my blogs. They always come from the heart and they mean a lot to me! :)

  • I do agree with you Roppie. Helath is wealth(: Thank you for your great blogs. I read most of them and I liked them.
  • totally right, health is precious

    good topic, thank you

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