Happy New Year to Everyone!

My dear friends! I am really sorry I can't often be here now. But I'd like to tell you, I love you all! I love you jokes, your kidding, your mistakes and your reaction to our corrections. I love your being so curious, positive, smart and alive! Dan and I stick here because you are better than many of our real students and we feel like doing something useful here. I like our "battles" on some discussions, I like your humorous replies, I admire our challenges, your stories, so different but but meaningful. I like everything EC can offer, bear and afford! So, Happpy New Year, my friends and let's not disappoint Josef who invested his good will, knowledge, his heart, his great desire to teach in the best sense of the word in for us to feel good and comfortable here.

Josef, Sir! Here is to you and to all our members! HAPPY NEW YEAR! Long happy years!

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  • Happy new year to teacher Tanya and her handsome husbando!
  • Happy New Year Tanya! Enjoy your holidays!

  • Thank you all, my dear friends! I hope all your dreams will come true!

    We are still on vacation in Kiev and are going to stay here for Christmas as Orthodox celebrate it on Janyary 7.

    Our best wishes! Thanks for being our friends! We are really proud of that!

  • 2643829222?profile=original

  • Thanks for your wishes. All the best for you too !!!!

  • Happy New Year Tanya.......:-)

  • Dear Tanya, I would like to say Your love for English teaching and willingness to share your time and effort will have an eternal impact. Thank you!

    I really appreciate you and our dear Danny!

    God bless you both and keep you healthy and happy!

    Wish you a very Happy New Year!

  • Thanx for your wishes, dear Tanya... Happy and Prosperous Year 2017 to you and Danny!

  • Sweet Teacher Tanya, I like your politeness..:P

    Happy New Year..

    Thanks for being here.. ^_^

  • Oh.... really happy to see you after some days. Thanks for your nice wish and I also wish you good luck happiness alongwith good health. I know you are in vacation and busy hence I miss you, stay fine.
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