I got instinctively the idea of a virtual meeting between the maximum members of our great EC.
we are many coming here ,some of us spend lot of times ,others from time to time ,but all have the same aims :learning english and geting friendship.The idea is to think all together at the same moment of each others ,think of your relationship ,of friends who make you happy by a word,,a thinking ,a smile ...,think of the huge distances between us which are becoming small by the strengh of our friendship.we all have different religions,different flags,different thinking but one thing which joins us :humanity.So let pray all together to make this world -although for a while -different,wonderful,ful of love ,as it should be.
I must first of all thank M.JOSEF ESSBERG because if we are in this club it's thanks to him,then i want to name some of my fiends who gave me great moments ;Venues,Sadikhamza,Nadiayah,Nafis,Tara
Salim,Manuela;you are the first persons i meet and gave me the desir to be a member of EC through your great writings ,Monika,Nebia,Halim,Montasir,Fizzy,Lakhdari,Michelle yang,Nadira,Chongtham ;with whom i share lot of nice sentences ,and of course Reza my young brother and M.Adaway my partner on blogs.
you all gave me at least amoment of happiness and it's my way to say to you thank you soo much for being my friends.
Sorry if i forgot some of you ,but you are all in my heart ,so if you will like my idea ,we will choose a moment and try to be hands in hands and say all together : for ever friends , for ever help , for ever love , for ever humans...
PS / you are free to accept or not .
you give me as many of my friends here inspiration and great feeling that can't be explained by any word,i just try to keep our friendship as long as possible,it gives a real and wondrful smell to my life.
thanks a lot.
thanks a lot
I'm in full energy by all reply i get ,even if i would like to have more !!
my strenght can't exist without your beeing here beside me .
Meaningful picture M.Adaway ,you give us lot of inspirations and positive thinkings.
Even if i want ,i can't !! you were in my past ,you are in my present ,and still want to be in my future ,what can i do??i love you sister.
PS you know while reading I was afraid that you forget me cause we are friend in real life but the purpose here was about friends of EC so I was reading names and saying please don't forget me ...please don't!!! when found I shouted halilouya!!!!
hahahah I know I m crazy
your commants make me think that my feeling was right ,that i have reached my aim,how can i thank you just for taking time to read my blog ?I think that more commants and some tears of happiness will fall in my face ,but the most important think for me is to live a moment of great feelings with my best freinds .
thanks a lot ...i love you
I'm so proud of being your friend.
Send a Friends Forever Scrap Today
You gave a brilliant idea once again,admireable!
Yesterday I was also wondering about it,that it was such a brilliant idea of Mr.Essberger,to create this club,(or rather community?).Million thanks.
Without it,I'd feel much more empty now,and I'd miss you all.I have great friends too,with great and fresh ideas,I always learn somthing new about the world,due to my precious friends.
I am very good luck to have you as my special sister in this (WWW) World Wide Web.
I think it's a kindness form my God for me.
You open a new viewpoint about friendship in virtual word that sometime it's more reliable than real world.
Moreover, thanks to all my friends in here.
Hope all of you are fine in all time of your life.