Hajj and the hard time of corona

Hajj will start tomorrow, 29th of July 2020 which corresponds to the 8th of Thulhijah 1441 Hijrah. On this day, pilgrims arrive in Mecca to perform (tawaf algudoom) or arrival circumambulation. It is also called irrigation or perfusion day. In the past, pilgrims used to give water to their animals and take some with them for the journey of Hajj. Now, no need for that. Big tanks, faucets, and water supplies are available everywhere.   

Hajj literally or linguistically means intention. Religiously, Hajj means intending to visit something greatened, honorable, or glorified. The terminology in Islam implies going to Mecca in Saudi Arabia to visit (kaaba) the grand mosque. Hajj or pilgrimage is done annually to Mecca. Pilgrims perform Hajj to retrace the steps of the prophets and recount their dedication to God.

In Quraan, Allah said, ((And announce on people pilgrimage, they will come to you on foot and on every skinny camel, they will come from every deep and distant highway to perform Hajj)), Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam. According to Hadeeth narrated by Caliph Omar ibn Alkhatab, may Allah be pleased with him, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, (Islam was built on five, to testify that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger. Do your prayers. Pay Zakah (chastity). Fasting in Ramadan and perform Hajj if You could do it). 

Exceptional circumstances for Hajj of this season. The ministry of Islamic affairs and Hajj with the coordination of other ministries like the ministry of health, interior, information are doing huge work. For the first time of Hajj this year, the woman was appointed as a policewoman working by the side of the policeman. That will add extra help for policemen in dealing with female pilgrims during the rituals of Hajj.

More than six thousand cameras are installed in the different rituals of Mecca, Mina, and Muzdalifah. For more details on Hajj, please see my article which was posted four years ago. paragraphs two and three were taken from this article. https://www.myenglishclub.com/blogs/hajj-1

Next time, we will continue talking about the rest of the journey of Hajj during the time of coronavirus.

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  • Main pasand eye sa, Shoukatali! Thanks for pressing the like button. I hope you add me to the list of your friends. Thanks again.

  • Dear Dara Gino,

       As I have already mentioned earlier, it is necessary to use adequate words when describing even the most common and mundane event, the more careful we should be when we take the liberty to embark on a daring venture of informing about a  major, significant events in our Religion.

      So, coming back to our sheep, as the French would say, to irrigate is to suply water as a ntrient to land and crops, we also irrigate a living creature for medical or cleansing reasons. We irrigate our body cavities or wounds to purify them - when we have canstipation, we also use irrigation to purge out what is troubling our intestines.

      On the other hand, perfusion is when needed fuids are supplied to our body organs and tissues - therefore, if we supply land and plants with nutrient fluids, we irrigate them, when the fluids are supplied to our body organ or tissues, it is perfusion... in case we supply water to animals, we just water them, yet if we do the same to people, we say that we supply or cater them with water,.,.lol, we do not water people, unless we pour a bucket of water on their heads .... exercising perfusion on living creatures would be an immensely gross act. :-)

    • Yeshteras Jeinki Rysperski! That was my answer to the same question in nineteen eighteen 

      dara gino August 21, 2018 at 4:43pm 

      Gainky Rysperski! In the Arabic language we say, (asgeeni maa) "Irrigate me" which means give me water to drink. The verbs yasgi, yarwee are synonyms. they mean irrigate. they can be used for plantation, animals, and humans as well. The nouns from those two synonymous verbs are sugiyah and tarwiyah sequentially.
      The verb 'yasgi' irrigate in the Holly Qur'an:
      (وسقاهم ربهم شراباً طهورا) ((And their lord will give them pure drink)) Surat Alinsan verse 21
      ويسقون من رحيق مختوم))
      ((They will be given to drink pure sealed wine.)) surat almutafifeen vers 26
      فسقى لهما ثم تولى إلى الظل))
      ((So he watered (their flocks) for them, then he turned back to shade, )) surat Algassus verse 24
      So, we use the term "irrigate" for both land, animals, and humans. The last verse shows the verb "irrigate" is used for animals. it is a story in the Holly Qur'an between Prophet Musa (peace of Allah be upon him) and the two girls who came to irrigate their flocks of sheep.
      The verse of surat Alinsan number 21 shows that the verb "irrigate" is used for the drinking of water by humans.
      There are many verses to show that the term "irrigate" is used for watering land, animals, and humans. I am referring to the Arabic term "yasgi". The area is not enough for that. I wrote my topic (Irrigation Day) concentrating on reminding the believers of the rites of that watering day for pilgrims.
      When I used that term "irrigate" I was not away from the track. The verb in the Arabic language has many synonyms and many conjugations as well. Yasgi = yarwee, is the present tense saga, is the past tense and masgi is the past participle. Again thanks for your inquiry.

      dara gino
      myEnglishClub (myEC), your page in English
    • Well, Rys, I have been through some troubles while reading this article, as I know Mr. Dara as a scholar, I couldn't dare to say anything. 

       Dara,  a great friend of mine, didn't get enough time, I guess, as he was busy learning many more languages too.

    • Teeka assay Shaheen! I am aware of each word I said or wrote. You can see my answer to that.

    • Shaheen, please take due notice that I did not dare challenge Dara about the Arabic meaning of the words he took the liberty to use in his most interesting description of events partaining to his most honorouble Religion -  all I was humble enough to do was to verbalise the meaning of the English words that our dear and respectable friend Dara was so kind to use.


    • /Donobaad Shaheen! That is not true, I am aware of every word I have said. our different point of views is more than four years ago. I am talking about the Arabic verb (tarwiya) which means irrigation, watering, or perfusion. I said people come on the eighth day which is called the day of irrigation, or watering day to drink and get their supply of water for the rest of their Hajj journey. now, no need for that because of the water availability.

      If there is any translation for the day of (tarwiya) in English, I will be happy to see it. Thanks, Shaheen.

    • Jeinki Rysperski! It seems that the discussion between us has still been going on. Four years ago you started the same notification about (tarwiya) irrigation and I answered that. I went back to the blog about it which I wrote four years ago. I copied it and here is its paste: 

      Today is 10-09- 2016 which corresponds to the 08-12- 1437 H. The eighth day of Thulhijjah.  It is the first day of hajj. Pilgrims are arriving in Mecca to make arrival Tawaf to surround kaaba seven times, and then, they go to Minna. This is called the day of (tarwiyah) or the day of irrigation. Tarwiya in Arabic comes from the verb (yarwi) irrigates. It was given that name because the water, during those days was very rare or rather nonexistent at all. Pilgrims come to Mecca and then they irrigate themselves and their animals whether camels, horses.,or donkeys and take some to the plain of Minna to supply themselves for the rest of their hajj. Minna is about two to three kilometers from  Mecca.

      It was also said that the name of tarwiyah came from the vision which God showed it to His Prophet Abraham. He showed him the rites of hajj. People will stay the night here in Minna and move at dawn or after dawn prayer to plain Arafa on the ninth of Thulhijjah. Tomorrow is the greatest day of hajj.

      I remember that I gave many explanations regarding this matter. That exactly what we do. Pilgrims used to drink water and fill their leather containers with it. They water their animals and pour it over them to clean them and lessen the heat of those previous times. There was a piece of full detailed information about that matter. I thought that you were convinced, but it seems not yet. It might attract attention from the major or main event. We have to name things by their names, right? Thank you.


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