We are still on the holy ten days of the month of Hajj. This is the last blog to finish my previous two blogs about them. Tomorrow Hajj will start. More than one million pilgrims have already started to arrive here, in the holy cities of Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia.
On the eighth of the month, pilgrims will put on their (Ihram ) at the pointed areas of Ihram. Then they will gather in Mecca to make Tawaf Algudum. After that, they go to Mena for the irrigation day. They will spend the night there and leave the next day at dawn to Arafa, (an area not far from Mecca). They will spend the Arafa day combining prayers of Noon and the afternoon prayers in advance, and before sunset, they will proceed to (Muzdalifa) to combine prayers of ( Magrib) and (Ishaa) and sleep there. Then they collect the stones for the big Jamarah (the place where Satan tried to seduce prophet Ibrahim).
Before leaving Muzdalifa, they worship Allah at dawn there and then continue their journey to Mena. Pilgrims will reach the area of Mena and throw the stones, go to Mecca to make (Ifadah Tawaf), and come back to Mena to spend the days of (Tashreeg) sunrise. Then they cut or shorten their hair. Others make their hady and others make their sacrifices or ransoms. By the way, there is a difference between (Hady, sacrifice and ransom).
(We will give more details in part two of Hajj for this year 1438H)
Donnobad Laboni for pressing the like button, thanks.
it is interesting reading the rituals of hajj ..God willing i hope all who aspires, their wishes will come true inclusive mine :))
Shookran ya sit Rosemary! Thanks for pressing the like button.
Bahut shukriya Mr. Mishaikh for all the good explanation about the throwing of the stones. We won't differ a lot about this. Because the main goal is the humiliation and demean of Satan. most of the biographies said that it was Prophet Ibrahim (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) who threw the stones at Satan who came to stop him from slaughtering his son, Prophet Ismail (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). He threw the stones seven times at different places. After that Prophet Ibrahim (paboabuh) was about to carry out what Allah had ordered him to do. the most pathetic thing about this story was the obedience of both prophets to the orders of the Almighty. The father told his son that he had dreamt of slaughtering him. The immediate answer came from his son to do it and that he did not mind. He only told his father to get his face to the ground so that the father did not see his face and compassion would prevent him from carrying out his job. When the time came and he wanted to slaughter his son the angel came with the sheep to be slaughtered instead of that obedient son. Thanks again Mr. Mishaikh.
When Hazrat Ibrahim (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was taking his son Ismael ((peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) for sacrificing him as per Allah's Command, the Satan appeared before Hazrat Ismael ((peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) (Not before Hazrat Ibrahim) to seduce him to run away. Hazrat Ismael called his father and told him that Satan is bothering him. Hazrat Ibrahim asked his son to throw stones on him. Hazrat Ismael did as he was told. The satan turned in to stone. The satan appeared three times and Hazrat Ismael threw stones on him turning satan to stone. The act of Rami (throwing stone on satan) is for in the memory of that incident of Hazrat Ismael with the satan. All the Muslim going for Hajj have to do this otherwise Hajj is not completed.Please I request all the readers that do not seek for the logic in the actions of Hajj Pilgrims and action being done there by hajis. It is all being done on the commandment of Allah and instruction of our Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and it is must follow without seeking any logic in it.
You know it is advised to all those who go for performing hajj while they are in Macca to recite Sura Akhlas and Sura Al Kaafroon. Why, because in Sura Alkhlas Allah expresses His being Eternal and Absolute. And In Sura Al Kafroon the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and by him all the Muslims to say to those who (seek logics in Allah's Commandments) "To you be your way and to me mine". Please find these suras and read with translation. You will understand what I want to say. Please be understood my intention is not of any preaching or maligning any other religion or believing.
Donnobad Laboni! Thanks, Laboni for pressing the like button.
Dyakuyu, mi druh Roman! Throwing stones at Jamrah is one of the rituals of Hajj. Satan came to Prophet Ibrahim (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to seduce him. He threw the stones at the devil and it became a duty since then. The pilgrim does it to fight the devil and his evil deeds. I will try to give more details in part two of Hajj 1438. Thanks for asking.
Hello, dara gino! Why do they do it? "throw the collected stones to area of Mena" What does it means? I mean, does it has some reason?