Gratitude Blog

Sometimes when the world is full of spite and our dreams are down to the last leaf on the branch, we just want to recoil from everything.   We long to vanish into thin air without leaving even a trace of our scent behind.   Just as if we never existed.    But what if there was another perspective, another set of lens with which we could view our life, would we give it a try?  If we are only able to focus on the good things, would we come to an acceptance,  would we come to a contentment, and dare I say, would we come to know gratitude?  If you would have to make a list of things you are thankful for, what would it look like?  Here's mine:

Good health, freshly brewed coffee, warm safe bed, kind words, the color blue, beach bonfires, “I love you Mama!” on my ears at the start of the day and at the end of the night, colorful petals swaying in the summer breeze, a sea of stars afloat a blushing night sky, a rainbow after the storm, Fridays, Mondays with mischievous small faces staring at me, country, peace, love and…life!

What are you thankful for?

 "Smile, because it's free!"

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  •  @ Rhaani : Blessings are always gifts that makes us see the purpose of our life here on earth and by the looks of your list you seem to have it a plenty!  Thanks for sharing your thoughts here! :)

  •  @ Nimzaf : The gift of gratitude should always have its place wherever people come together, it is an encouraging asset!  Thank you for your appreciation here as well!

     @ setareh : You have a noble list with you, it is the one we all seek because the best things in life are always free!  Thanks for  sharing here! :)

    @  Mary : Yes!  What better way to start our day than laughter! And well who can resist the cuteness of cats!  Thanks for putting your thoughts here. :) 

  • I'm thankful for all the weird-like-Zach-Galifianakis' people of this world.

    And for cats' cuteness! :3

  • Dear Alice, what a wonderful post. Here the lists I am grateful to my God: a nice family; to have mom and dad and siblings, to had tears of happiness when for the first time I held my kids into my arms. To have a wonderful husband. To be healthy for myself and my family. I am so lucky to live in a country with no war, and so many wonderful things. We also should be grateful to have a great person like you on EC. :DThanks for sharing your amazing post.
  • Yes gratitude in response to all the blessings.Very nice blog,so interesting and informative.Thanks for sharing your golden thoughts and valuable knowledge with us.
  • Yes Mishaikh even the trivial things in our life has its own purpose and worthy of our thanksgiving!  Thank you for sharing your experience.  In my religion we say " Bless the Lord all times!" :)

  •  @ Adaline:  Every day that we breathe is reason enough to find gratitude in it and to bring that thankfulness with us into the future!  So grateful that you are able to share that thinking with me. :)

    @ Expector Smith:  Indeed we should be grateful for MyEC!  Grateful for our learning partners and friends here!  Thank you for passing by! :)

  • @ Evangelina:  You are quick to discern the point of my message!  Thank you for appreciating it, I am grateful!:)

     @ Keen Learner:  Relationships are the true source of our gratitude.  What matters in the end is how we have connected with people we  come across with in our life's journey.  As always I am thankful for your comments here. :)


  • We have a teaching in our religion (Islam) to always keep reciting ALHAMDOLLILLAH All praise to Allah...........this is gratitude in response to all the blessings, like we inhale or exhale the breathe, drinks water and urinate it, (Imagine if it stuck in your urator and bladder,  I have experienced this pain). Eating food and swalling it.  (Few days before my elder brother was eathing outside the food got stuck in his food pipe, he phoned me at 3 a.m. that he is in hospital, I sent my another elder brother to take him to an other hospital.  He stayed there two days, got endroscopy, I saw it the food pipe though clear at that time but bruised).

    So there are hundreds of other blessing which seem minor, but they are crucial for us and we need to show our gratitude to Allah.

  • I'd add these:

    nice blogs like this

    comments on your blog

    a wonderful social networking site like MyEC

    corrections made by another member 


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