Grammar Test II

Hi, my friends! I'd like to think you are waiting for one more test. Today is Day of Knowledge in my country, the beginning of the academic year. So, here I am with your new task. This test is almost the same as previous. And you know what to do, don't you? You have to correct all the mistakes in each sentence. 

  1. She had looked forward for him to come.
  2. I didn’t see his coming and scared with his voice.
  3. He stopped to study so that he would earn for living.
  4. She forgot plugging off the iron and must return home.
  5. He was pondering why did she leave him.
  6. It looked like the rain would be soon.
  7. He thought what would he do if he couldn’t find any job.
  8. She wanted to know who present was it.
  9. Cats usually don’t eat what like people.
  10. It was the snow heavily and I decided don’t drive.

The deadlive is September 11.

Good luck and have a great weekend!

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  • why can't I be able to see the mistakes? Poor me... Can you please tell the details of the correct answers so I can understand it Ms. Tanya? Well, if you don't mind :)

  • Sorry, I haven't corrected one mistake. Here are the answers again.

    1. She was looking forward to his coming.
    2. I didn’t see him come and was scared by his voice.
    3. He stopped studying to earn for his living.
    4. She forgot to plug off the iron and had to return home.
    5. He was pondering over why she had left him.
    6. It looked like (it was) going to rain soon.
    7. He thought what he would do if he was not able to find any job.
    8. She wanted to know whose present it was.
    9. Cats don’t usually eat what people like.
    10. It was snowing heavily and I decided not to drive.
  • Tanya, thank you & waiting for your new test.

  • Thank you, Tanya! I am sorry, i did not take any new attempts. But i will try to participate more if you will post next one. I should be more focused on learning...

  • Hi, my friends. Sorry for some delay. Here are the correct sentences at last.

    1. She was looking forward for his coming.
    2. I didn’t see him come and was scared by his voice.
    3. He stopped studying to earn for his living.
    4. She forgot to plug off the iron and had to return home.
    5. He was pondering over why she had left him.
    6. It looked like (it was) going to rain soon.
    7. He thought what he would do if he was not able to find any job.
    8. She wanted to know whose present it was.
    9. Cats don’t usually eat what people like.
    10. It was snowing heavily and I decided not to drive.

    You can ask me your questions as always.

  • Dear Wolf, I am always happy to hear your questions and to answer them.

    1. Your sentence is correct but you have a question. Sure, "We are looking forward to..." sounds more natural. When we say/write it, we mean that we waiting for the reply/response/reaction.

    2. You see, this sentence means that a man came home without being noticed and started speaking. His voice scared a woman. So, the present participle doesn't sound right. It must be "him come". Let me explain. All -ing forms define a process. In this sentence the process was over. He was already in. Let me give you an example:

    I saw him locking the door.

    It means that I saw a person who was turning a key in the lock.

    I saw him lock the door.

    It means that I saw that a person locked the door and went away. Do you feel the difference?

    3 is correct now.

    4. Meaning my incorrect sentence, your answer is right. But we never know if it starts raining or not. So, "going to" is the best choice. I would say "It looked like (it was) going to rain". You know, we often omit some words in spoken English.

    Thanks for participating and asking such smart questions. Always happy to see you on my tests and other activities.

  • Hi, dear Eman. It is a very good try! However, let me make a few remarks.

    1. There may be the simple past tense but the progressive tense is more logical.

    2.  This sentence means that a man had entered without being noticed and started speaking. So, the present participle is incorrect.

    3. It is not bad but there is no sense to use "so that" clause here.

    4. Wrong tense.

    5. Rwong tense again.

    6. Not bad, but it may be better.

    7. We don't use CAN in the future tenses.

    8. Your sentence is correct but in mine was WHO. I mean she didn't know who gave her the present.

    9 and 10 are correct.

    Will you try again, please?

  • I tried to answers but do not why I could not add it here. Was there any techinical fault
  • Welcome, dear Rose!

  • Hahaha, you are right, Tanya ... if you speak about my very first attempt.

    Thanks for your effort always to help us.

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