I'm trying hard to get down to business but not able to gather words for comment section or for Blog writing. I don't know, what's wrong with me, Almost every day I come here and try hard to participate in MyEC activity but not able to write anything on comment section. I want to get my rhythm back. Please help me, my friends.........
Looking forward to hear, knowledgeable advice from your side my MyEC friends.
Thanking you very much friends, who post nice and encouraging words on my page, hope after this Blog, I'll get back to you soon.
I lost it too :/
My friend, I hope you realized my private unwritten comment for you. My friend, allow me to say loudly that; you can't separate yourself or your journey in life from your friends. Really we will not accept that. May while you are reading these words you will say: "Sewar, instead of advising me, look at yourself, what about you????? Once I advised you to write, but you didn't listen to my advise, why I have to listen to yours?????" Simply my friend because, you are gifted while I am not!!!! You master the power of writing, while I am not. Your funny spirit rises over your words, while my spirit not. Your words, simply, reflect your inner feelings, while, simply, mine not. You .........and you.........while I am not............and not. That why you have to keep writing while I am not. God bless you my friend.
Sewar, With reference to your comment, I'll reply soon :LOL
I really got grin on my face, I liked last one yes, I 'm stupid (^_^).
Thank for sharing
Respected WMW, Having six dimensional personality and felt difficulty, it's really strange ;-)
WMW, I know, in Sixth century BC, you're new here but my friend this is 21st century. LOL
Yes Jasmine, After this Blog I'm not only active but also become a sprinter, who love to run on escalator. lol.
Thank you for your support Jasmine.
I hope Arif bhai, from this picture you get grin on your face ;-)
Holy Noas, Enjoying the ride alone? Why you don't join me on this fun....
Giggling Mickey, take it easy like that....