Whenever we learn something new we tend to think too hard. Here's a game that asks you NOT to think. All you have to do is write what comes "off the top of your head"."off the top of your head"=without really thinking about itI will write the first two words that come into my head...um
1. pickup truck2. watermelon
The first person to comment will write a sentence (without much thought) using my two words. Then, provide two words for the next person so the game can continue. (don't think-just write and see what comes out)
I always eat watermelon while I am on the telephone.
1. skateboard
2. violent
1. taste
2. nails
1. pillowcase
2. frozen
1. cruel
1. earphones
2. chunk
Megan pushed the flower away and John knew then that his wife would not accept his apology.
1. cradle
2. apple pie
1. create
2. snowflake
1. Love
2. Deceive