In France, when we are in front of something we can't understand, or something we don't know how to use, we say:
"Comme une poule qui a trouvé un couteau ..."
"Like a chicken who has just found a knife"
Would you share with us an expression of your countries?
Edit: Mickey, I've just corrected my punctuation! ;-)
@ Juli : Thanks so much! I like these expressions! Mainly( not sure about this word!) the first one !
Oi again,
Juli, I know a nice brazilian saying -
Cada macaco no seu galho
Every monkey on his branch - everybody should know his place.. when to speak out, when to say nothing or not to do what is not his business..
I liked the mayonnaise saying...yummy and witty...LOL!
Hmmm, in Chinese we
Let me see, brb~ [giggling]
rysperski i like yours hahahahha:Stood staring like a calf at a painted gate.
English has several including one close to Rysperski's but I like the French one.
Hahaha ! I really like this expression! Thanks for your comment!
Hi Oliver,
Funny....but here in Poland there is a similar saying -
Gapił się jak ciele na malowane wrota - which means more or less -> Stood staring like a calf at a painted gate.
Hmmm...but I guess I shall not give the phonetica trascription of the sentence as EC is for teaching
Hahaha ! Nice to laugh with you... Nice expression. Dois-je le prendre personnellement? :-)