From your window

Hi there!I have a new question for you...What can you see from the windows of your room? Please, if possible, post a picture of it!I'd love to see it!Kisses,Joyce.
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  • i see opposite in another house ..there two or more cute children ..always they were playing out side.. and one neem tree ..always i see lot of pigeons near my window..
  • I will share you my imaginative window, that my window outlooks a street.


    My imaginative window is a middle, wooden one that overlooks an amazing, quiet beach.

    Once you open the window, the little breeze will go smoothly through your silver hair.


    It's really a charming view, is it?

  • Hi friends!

    Here is the picture of the river (it seems to be a chocolate river) and the club (which we cannot see very clearly because of the protection against mosquitoes I have on my window) I can see from the window of my room. Sorry for being late! =)


  • i'm sorry joyce i don't have picture yet. anyway, i see trees, roof tops, and cars passing when i'm looking outside through my window.

  • so why did'nt you share your view from your own apartment?

  • well what in front of my window is another house. There is nothing special and beautiful.

  • I see the tree that is in front of my window, and the street.

  • I don't see anything Just WALL Of my neighbor ... that is so badly when I see others see a beautiful views .... :-)
  • Hi friends!
    I'm loving the comments, I'm really amazed...
    Thanks :)
  • Hello Joyce!
    I can see that it's raining outside now,but from Thursday they forcast a cold front with snow and cold weather again:((

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