
what do you think about friendship?

what is the most important thing in friendship?


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  •      My friend, actually the most important thing in friendship is; the respect. To respect each others, I think, it is not mean to talk with each others quietly, or treat each others tenderly, or give ourselves, some, nice explanation's to our friends odd acts,  or justify their absence of our meetings or parties……………I know all what I mentioned pervious are very important to keep the friendship healthy and fresh, but the main factor of respect is; just, accept our differences and embrace what we have in common.   

           Finally my friend, the best team, always, contains people with different strengths. God bless you, my friend.    

  • For me, love and care is the most important thing in friendship.
  • It was written about friendship very much. I agree with M. Adaway, the friendship happens naturally between people that have smth in common , who feel similar to each other in a certain way, or who just like being close to each other, being together.
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