I noticed that when you add a picture to your blog entry. You can specify the position of picture, if the text is wraped around of it, and u can create a thumbail, but it miss one important thing. Margins around the image. Well. It's fine not to have it, since the dialog wouldn't fit to screen with too many opinions. But it adds 0 pixels of clearance as default. In my opinion it doesn't look nice when text douches the picture. In both cases when picture is aranged to left and also when it's on right.The default code, generated by....<img src="https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/2345717675?profile=original" alt="Pigs" width="132" height="74" style="float: left;"/>Result.No margins parameters added.There isno clearance.You can add those parameters by your self, manualy.Code with 10px margins.<img src="https://storage.ning.com/topology/rest/1.0/file/get/2345717675?profile=original" alt="Pigs" width="132" height="74" style="float: left; margin: 10px 10px;"/>Result.This is how it looks with 10px margin.It makes 10 pixels clearance totop, bottom,left and right of the pic.Hmmm. Well maybe it would be better to add margins parameters for text instead.. I guess I have to learn little more about html. I have forgoten soo much.. The reference for html tags can be find at http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_byfunc.aspI also looked if there is some good reference at ning.com, but as exepted. I didn't find much tips from there.It seems Josef have chosen the appearence of how our pages will look for us. At least I could not chose appearance of my page from settings. I think it's good choiche to do so, since it might became very chaotic when everyone makes own page look too crazy. Well I hope he will chose also some CSS for us, that can be used for formating text nicely. I don't know what kind of elements I would like to see, but I think it would be cool to have some.Maybe this kind of stuff:<p class="note">Remember to brush you tooths before u bite.</p>I'm not sure what it's appearance as result should be, but... It would be surely more fun to have such things.Well I'm not sure. Maybe I can use some of CSS already now. I have forgoten so much. It was some years ago when I tried to learn it. But as I remember classes had to be defined in page head, not somewhere in middle. Wasn't it so?
That's easy. Just find the "Print Screen" key from your keyboard. Hit that key and the picture of your screen will be copied into windows clipboard.. Next you only need to paste it in a image editor/drawing program.
Hello, Wow! wonderful really. Thanks for the pink highlight.If, let's say, I would like to have a yellow (or another colour) highlight, can I just type yellow... instead of pink?
I will try it soon, if I can't, I would climb the tiliatree as protest over how I so stupid ... (lol ...)
That's easy. Just find the "Print Screen" key from your keyboard. Hit that key and the picture of your screen will be copied into windows clipboard.. Next you only need to paste it in a image editor/drawing program.
thanks for your explanation, a great time for you!
thanks for your good blog
its useful me and ... great !
How if I want to put link from another site/web as you done at my blog?
thanks for your answer ... take care
<font style="font-family:sans-serif;">text</font>
This text is written by using sans-serif font
You can change font size by "font-size:" property.
<font style="font-size:200%;">text</font>
This text size is 200% of it's original
All in one declaration in <i< tag.
<i style="font-family:sans-serif; font-size:200%;">text</i>
This is double sized(200%) sans-serif italic text
When I have time and willpower. I will later complete a blog entry about styling elements a little more thoroughly.
<div style="background-color:Pink;">
Your text here
</div >