Thank you for taking time to comment on my photo of bathing with elephants.
As far as I am aware all animals "Can" swim except for humans.
We must learn where as animals do it naturally. Sometimes, even after learning how to we still cannot.
My children started to learn "how" when they were 3 months of age. When a young baby is taken under water they automatically climb up for the surface.
Perhaps it is when we become older and learn "fear" that we then decide we are not able to swim.
Please note that I have loved and worked with animals since I was very young. I care with my mind, body language and touch. In the past I have given acupressure as treatment.
Hello Yasemin
Thanks for your follow up.
Depending on your beliefs, we came out of the sea, we develop in a fluid in the womb and our body is mainly water, I guess we should feel at home in water.
Not having given birth myself, at least not physically, I am aware that some women do choose ( if given the choice ) to give birth in water. The reasons are often given as being to help with the physical side and, perhaps, there is also an emotional and spiritual side for doing this. The baby would, as the mother pushes, already be heading upwards and in quite shallow water. When very young children are taught to swim they are often first "ducked" and pushed upwards but then the depth is increased to perhaps a metre and, deeper still. Unfortunately, nowadays, things such as high chlorine content in swimming pools and ear infections prohibit many parents from teaching their children at such a young age.
like this :)
If I am not wrong I read this piece of information somewhere that if a woman gave birth in the water, the newborn baby will swim naturally. I agree with you as we grow up we think we can't do it.
Nice writing, thanks for sharing your experiences.