If you admit that there is no diety except God , If you admit that the last massenger of God is Muhammed ,If you accept to give the poor alms ,And help them in distress with money and passion ,If you fast for one month a year ,named as Ramadan ,If you pray to God for five times a day ,If you go to God 's shrined House and visit that Holy place ,YOU WILL BE A MUSLIM.These are the FIVE basic rules that define a Muslim . Actually , there are much more things that are stated by Allah (GOD) . A Muslim must wish for his fellowmen the same thing he wishes for himself .The fate fated by God to a person must be welcomed and fully accepted . A woman must cover her hair with a veil in order to be protected from evil people . A man must not drink wine or any other alcoholic drinks .Gambling is fully prohibited as it has disasterous effects on human relations. In short , Islam is away to lead a good life in life .
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  • I respect your religion as I respect the others Joweria. In showing my respect, it doesn't mean that I don't love my religion. Honestly, I will not have a clear understanding of "love & respect" if not for my religion.
    Thanks for sharing Joweria.
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