My dear friends! Today I am going to present the task teaching the difference between British and American English. So, I will post 15 British words and your task is to find their American synonyms. Of course, if you don’t know some given word, you may look it up.
So, here is the list.
- Trainers - sneakers.
- Braces - suspenders.
- Lorry - truck.
- Bin - trash/garbage can.
- Mobil phone - cell (phone).
- Nappy - diaper.
- Chips - French fries.
- Crisps - (potato) chips.
- Lift - elevator.
- Loo - bathroom/ restroom/ washroom/ men's (ladies') room/ lavatory/ WC/ john.
- Aubergine - eggplant.
- Bonnet - hood.
- Rubber - eraser.
- Timetable - schedule.
- Torch - flashlight/ pocket light.
All the given words are nouns. They define the regular things we use in our everyday life. Sure, we will help you as usual and, as usual, you shouldn’t google or crib from each other.
How do you like this idea?
Let the deadline be May 16.
Have a great time!
Thanks, Onee, but some later, OK?
Teacher Dan, when will you make this fun quiz again? :D Okay, okay, I know you're busy, Teachers. ^_^
I should remember about LOO. :D
Dear ladies! John is a slang for a toilet. But if you are in the USA, just ask where the ladies's room is, OK? Ha-ha! I hope, you are not very confused!
My teacher.....
Loo = John ?? Ohmy...after checking dict, I found that. It's really lavatory :D
Thank you for this precious lesson. I agree with Mishaikh. :)
Dear Mishaikh! Everything is good in moderation! I will post a new blog in a week.
Interestingly brain teasing.
Waiting for next TEST.
Hi, my dear friends! Today is the deadline for this test and as there are not any new replies, I am posting the correct answers. Besides, I published a blog on American words we use to define a toilet and also, the regular phrases we use when we need to visit that place. It is just for fun, but quite informative.
So, here are the correct answers:
Thank you all for taking such an active part in this discussion.
Dear Onee-chan! Now you are right
Dear Sir Danny,
After searching for footwear vocabulary. I finally found it. Sneakers in AmE and Trainers in BrE. :D Thank you for your precious lesson. :))
Dear SNR! I will write one more ode on braces and trainers! Ha-ha! Cowboys wear belts on the waists or hips to have a place to fix holsters! Ha-ha! Watch Westerns! MY EVERLASTING BIG SMILE!