hi my friends
first thing Happy new year for all member in English club ^^ I miss all my friends here
i am back after long time i was busy with my study & exams but i am still need to improve my writing I ask teacher Tara she told me "The best way to improve your writing in English is to read more in English. Read, read, and read. This will make you a better writer"
i like her advice , I Implemented the immediate . i find alot interesting topic , I want you sharing me to reading this topic ^-^
Favorite Color Meanings: What Your Favorite Color Says About Your Personality
Here you'll learn what your favorite color says about your personality by understanding favorite color meanings.
There is an entire industry devoted to the psychology of color. Color psychology is used effectively every day in advertising and marketing. Money making information is presented in green, the color of money. Health and fitness information is presented in orange, the color of energy. Learning the meaning of colors will help you better understand yourself and how others perceive you.

Color really is such a personal thing. While one person may find a blue bedroom soothing and relaxing, another may find it sickening and disturbing. Some love red dining rooms, while others feel more comfortable with everything done in neutrals. What is your color personality?
Favorite Color Meanings
Here's what your favorite color says about your personality
my favorite color Blue ^-^ What is your favorite color ?
great blog, I liked it, ur english is improved dear
about my favorite color, I have many , in winter I like black in summer I like blue and pink
in spring I like green ,
so what shall I do ?? :p
Nice blog written by Blue Rose
I like different color with different time
I like to wear white cloth
I like to wear black shoes
I like to wear Black and White Cap
My house wall contain combination of 4 colors Pink Purple Pitch and sky
My favorite colors are white ,light Blue etc
Hi Blue long time no see.
I've been busy too, I haven't come for so long, but still I miss my friends and all the interesting topics that we can find.
I used to have a favorite color it was BLUE but nowadays I love them all. I like all colors.
Blue interesting topic, thanks for share it.
I cannot name a particular one. But I can put them in order of my preference
Black, Red, Yellow, Orange, White.
I love all green gradient especially light green.
thanks dear @ ashik khan you :) lit my blog on the rainbow colors :)
thanks form my heart @ white rose the Colors have a great effect on our moods , me and you roses group
woooooooooooooow thecher Blue Nile here , i am really happy to read my new blog,know i do all my best to to improve my writing , I know your character you have a great personality
thanks dear tawfeeq I appreciate i
thanks @ hekmatullah , this amazing you like a lot color you look like have a vivacious personality