In the stillness of the dawn I found myself at the site of my childhood home, a sight so soothing and hauntingly hopeful. Soft pink summer rays of the sun seeping through the lace curtains nods an assent at my arrival as I make my ascent to a flight of stairs that seemed like an endless carousel ride. I opened the door to my old bedroom and with bated breath I stepped inside, baited by the fond memories of my sojourn there. Recollections of youth allude to secret fantasies a young heart could not elude. Suggestions of peace warm my heart as I am brought back to this piece of memory cradling me like a long forgotten lullaby. Oh happy day! I had not imagined that a peek into my old childhood room would pique such wistful echoes of wonders past leaving me once again like it did many years ago… breathless!

 site-  a place
 sight-  a view, a vision

 assent-  approval                                                                                                ascent-  climb up

 bated-  restrained, controlled                                                                           baited- lured, enticed

 allude- refer to, point to                                                                                     elude-  escape

 peace-  sense of calm                                                                                         piece-   a part of , a segment of

 peek-  a glance                                                                                                     pique- to provoke

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  • Lovely. It was so soothing. Amazing! 

  • @Hi Nimzaf!  Nice to hear from you here and I hope you can use these words too. :)

     @ beethoven Yes that was the intention of this blog, thanks for passing by!:)

  • nice, Thank you for sharing. I added new vocab to my vocab list(:
  • Wow it's brilliant!what a beautiful blog with many good words.Soooo nice,I like it.
  •  @Expector Smith I'm glad you thought of this challenge, it was a challenge indeed to find and use the words accordingly! :)

     @ Elen Yes reading the blog is the best way to understand the context and use of the words.  Hope you can try it too!  Thanks for liking it and my photo! :)

     @Evangelina I enjoyed reminiscing my childhood with this blog and I don't doubt at all that you could write something like this based on what I have read from your blogs and comments.  Thank you for the like, I am happy you liked it! :) 

  • @ Ratu You should give it a try, new words are like new clothes, you can try them on different occasions and situations!

    @ Mishaikh Thanks, I continue to learn more here on EC!

    @ Setareh I'm glad you found some new words to use from this blog, I had a lot of fun remembering my childhood from it!  Thanks for passing by!

  • Superb! Very nicely written! And nice photo! I want to participate too in such challenge but i found it difficult for my level. I hope, by reading yours and other members' blogs, to make it one day!

  • Excellent!

    It's a reading challenge, too:)) What a wide vocabulary! I wish I could write something like this!

    Thanks for taking the challenge. Keep it up!

  • Dear Alice, first your writing is like always just great. Second so many new words for me, you used them very well in your writing. I love this sentence "nod an assent". Thanks for sharing.
  • You really have the grip on the language.  Bravo.

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