Are you ready for one more writing challenge? I hope so.
You could always add one or more adjectives before or after every noun to enrich the sentence. You usually do so for a colourful sentence or a vivid description. Let's compare these two sentences:
-- A man in the village was sitting in a chair.
-- A white-haired old man in the peaceful village was sitting in a black wooden chair.
It can be so challenging to make such a sentence. Here are some tips for you:
1. You need to find the proper adjectives for a noun, for instance, "cold weather", "lovely day", or "smart people".
2. You should know the rules for "adjective order" when you are trying to use several adjectives before a noun. For example, you say "a small round black Chiese wooden chair", not "a black round Chinese small wooden chair".
3. Some adjectives are not used before a noun. You don't say "an asleep boy" or "an afraid man'. You can say "a sleeping boy" or "a frightened man" instead.
So, your blog should look like this: (a short paragraph by Expector)
I went shopping with my good friend Steve yesterday. There were so many people in the big shopping mall that we could not find a quiet place or a vacant seat to rest for a while. We were trying to get a lovely, small, old-fashioned, round, black, Chinese, wooden chair. Eventually, we found such a nice chair, but we could not afford to buy it even though it was on sale.
Does it sound like fun to write something like this? Now it is your turn - try to write one.
Yes, it can be so fun and challenging. Why not try to write one with so many adjectives?
It's worth everybody try that challenge!
Thanks for the handy links. Anyone who wants to take this "adjective challenge" should check out the useful resources.
By the way, no writing challenge here is complete without Tara's expert opinion or approval, so I really appreciate Tara's timely comment.
Yes, such words as "her", "your", "my" are also called "possessive adjective". This blog is an "adjective challenge", so you could try to put other adjectives in front of a noun instead of "her", "your", or "my". For example, you can say "my small black handbag" instead of "my handbag".
Expector Sir, here is my entry: Expector's Writing Challenge: A Horrible Visit To The Museum!!
Here is a useful resource on Adjective Order.
Thanks to Mishaikh, afro!
Good! You should use adjectives in front of or after every noun in a sentence, which is key to this writing challenge. So, try to put adjectives before the noun of "my company", "her eyes", or "her emothions"...
We saw each other on a jogging track and all at once we became friend I can say so, because she never denied my company, rather I always see her eyes shining when she is with me. She is the coolest girl in temper, but has the sweetest smile. She has average build. She has a charming soul but it always with a pensive touch. She could have a bright life but she loves not to unveil her emotions. What is the reason of her having a cold heart? Has something gone wrong in her life? I am sure; I will make her opens her heart to me. Don't ask who is she, because who knows who we are. So much so in fact that she can be the Princess of my heart. She may not be the perfect girl in others’ eyes, but all I can see in her is a natural heavenly beauty. No matter how much she is reserved, I hope that one day I will be successful to have her in my life.
The above extract is from one of my own blogs.
More tips for anyone who wants to take this challenge:
1. Try to use adjectives before or after every noun in the sentence. Let's work on this sentence: "That's all the answer I got that day." Can we add adjectives before the "answer" and "day"? "That's all the amazing answer I got that unforgettable day."
2. Keep in mind the articles, demonstrative pronouns and "possessive adjectives" are not adjectives, so "a day", "the day", "this day" or "her day" is not enough.
3. You don't need to put an adjective before a noun which is in an expression or word group. For example, you don't need any adjective in the following expressions: "for example", "for instance", "for a while", "for years", "for ages", etc.
4. The adjectives after a verb is not the adjectives we need for this writing challenge. For example, "He is so smart, healthy and wealthy."
5. You don't need "and" before the last adjective when all the adjectives come in front of a noun. For instance, "a lovely, round, black, wooden chair".