English weather

Talking about the weather is a very common conversation in England. The weather is very changeable and therefore there is always something to say about it.
Last week it was sunny and warm for the first time this year; today it is pouring with rain and is much colder.
Some times in the year we can experience four seasons in one day: spring, summer, autumn and winter.
If you ever visit England and are standing in a queue for a bus or train, and you want to start a conversation, you could say "It's much colder today", "What a beautiful day for the time of year" or "it's so cold!" The majority of people would respond and before you know it, you could be engaged in a useful conversation.
If you ever visit England, make sure you pack a jumper (a sweater), an umbrella and sun screen, you never know which you might need.

What's the weather like where you live?

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  • It's pretty cold here in British Columbia, Canada. It's spring time and we're experiencing an alternating sunny and rainy days every two to three days. Earlier today was a nice day, sun was shining, but came afternoon it hailed. Good thing it stopped and the sun came out again after a couple of hours. :)

  • Last week in Iran the weather was so warm. It terrified me how warm it is going to be in summer, but two days ago it became rainy. It's cooler now. As Dr.Mohamed said global warming has affected the weather every where for example last year in winter it was not cold at all.
  • Yes Ali very interesting news.thanks for sharing .
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