English Level Test

I invite everyone to pass the level test on my new website. It is free and available for everyone who knows English at least a little. You will immediately see it on the left of the screen if you enter:http://www.bestenglish.net.ua/
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  • thise website doesnt work, or it work bur in a nother language, so please what is the problem?!!!
  • i opened the site but i could not understand the language... it's not translated to english.
  • I have 188. But I did it in 13 minutes... If I was not in a hurry I think the result could be better)) I'm a little bit disappointed(((
    Thank you for the test, I suspected I should review English Grammar)))
    though I suppose I had more mistakes in vocabulary
  • Dear Papassorn! I tnink your level is low intermediate. You need to learn some more grammar.
  • Dear Reda Zed! I can send you the list of the right answers if you tell me you email.
  • It is Upper-intermediate.
    Can you tell me about tour mistakes? What questions?
  • It is the Russian language. But you can see the level test on the left of the screen. There is a picture of a labtab. You should click below it. On that page there is the only one window in English. Just look on the left and you will see it.
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