
Sometimes I can't understand myself. Wanna go far away from any people, any busy lives...

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  • thank everyone!!

  • This is imperative to have a social life, live with others, but do leave your heart alone for sometimes.

  •  These are reflection of all common person thoughts.  Normal person wants to come out of depression. You should write to your thoughts to express something.  It also reduces stress. keep writing blogs.

  • I think everyone have the same feelings, once in a while. In busy lives, everyone is craving solitude sometimes. 

  • It's may be true. I need my private time to think.......

  • maybe you're having a hard time thinking too much, problems that stressed you out. some people experienced the same. i feel the same when im too depressed, i don't want to talk to people and locked myself inside my room, but after a few hours or days i'm okay. hope you'll be okay soon too :)
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