Have you ever heard about this American, Cortez W. Peters Jr.? He was the world-champion typist once. He won twelve typing contests. Would you believe if I say that he set a typing world record of 225 words per minute - or wpm for short? That’s amazing, isn’t it? How many words can you type per minute? 

Obviously, all computer users know how to type. They fall under two typing styles! The first style is called ‘two-finger or ‘hunt and peck’ typing. Those who use this style can’t type at all without looking at the characters on their computer keyboard. Quite frankly, this would restrict their speed of typing. A person using this method could only type 27 to 37 wpm! 

The second type of typing is called ‘touch typing’. In this technique a typist, known as a touch typist, uses all his ten fingers. A touch typist doesn’t look at his keyboard. He knows the location of the keys through muscle memory! An average person using the touch typing technique could type 50 to 70 wpm, while some touch typing positions can allow him to type 80 to 95 wpm. Touch typing experts can work at speeds above 120. Which type of typist are you… two-finger typist or touch typist? 

The following screenshot shows the layout of a normal computer keyboard. Observe carefully the colour-coded keys (characters) and fingers.



Can you see the relationship between a finger and the character (or characters) that it types? If you are a ‘two-finger typist’ you too can become a ‘touch typist’ in less than a week! It will be to your benefit the sooner you master this skill.

Click HERE to learn more about touch typing and the benefits

Okay! What you see below is an interactive typing programme. You can use it straight away. Why to postpone for tomorrow what can be done today?



Press the 'Play' button that you see on the screen at the bottom and choose Lesson 1 from the tutorial list to begin your journey. Or, you can start with one of the games. They are fun to play!


NOTE: The above typing programme is not the best programme among all that are available on the Net. I posted it here because this is the ONLY ONE that comes with the HTML Code for embedding on a web page.

If you are looking for a well-planed interesting and entertaining typing programme, the TWO I’ve suggested below under ‘Lessons + Games’ category are the VERY BEST.


Other Online Typing Lessons and Games


1. http://freetypinggame.net/free-typing-lesson.asp 

An EXCELLENT tying programme that I’ve ever come across. You can set your own WPM goal and work towards it. Interestingly, it allows you to print a certificate upon the completion of each lesson. There are 30 nicely formulated lessons in total. Perhaps you can start using this programme and post your certificates in the comments box below as you progress with the lessons! I think this is a good thing to do as it could motivate you to finish the study. I’m going to post my first certificate soon and the subsequent ones as I go along with the study. What about you? 


2.   http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/typing

A truly entertaining typing programme created by BBC. This could be the ideal one for you if you want to learn typing from light-heartedtutors’. There are 4 Levels with 12 stages to be completed in order to master all the characters on the keyboard. I love the graphics and music very much!                                   


GAMES only

                                    1.   http://www.typingweb.com/tutor/games


                                     2.   http://games.sense-lang.org


~* GS *~

December, 18th. 2012

                                                                           Game #2   Animated Gif Arrows (56)

      Animated Arrow photo: icon-arrow-dwn.gif   Don't forget to click on the Like’ 'button if you find this blog useful to you!


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  • it is so useful lessons. thanks alot

  • Hımm, Gabriel, how interesting,

    I'll come asap :))

  • Very interesting blog! I like it so much as I need these methods to learn more about learning touch typing ... good idea thank you so much for the benefits.

  • interesting :D

    thanks for sharing ;)

  • I'm almost touch typist and my typing isn't slow but I never stick to rules which finger should press which character and I move my palms above a keyboard like a pianist :) When I tried to undergo Lesson 1 my palms got sore :( Maybe, they just need more practice and, I'm sure, this blog will help me with it.

    Thanks, Gabriel. Your job is as great as ever.

  • really very useful and helpful ,

    thank you so mutch for sharing 

  • Wow! Dear Gabriel,

    What a wonderful blog! I really like the way you use and learn English by blending it with other area such as music, information technology... and now this is soft skill.

    Fortunately, I'm touch typist and I've used this game software for practicing it before :


    Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us, my dear!

  • Dear tireless Gabriel,

    I can't find any other words right now but saying my banal Thank You very much  for reminding us about this issue that we take for important yet keep postponing the practice. To be honest, I've never heard about Cortez W. Peters Jr. or, to be more exact, I didn't know his name. :) Now you woke up my dozing curiousity again.

    Well, as for me, you know, I'm an "eight-finger-typist", as I almost don't use my both little fingers on keyboard, except for pressing the CTRL key :P. So I can also call myself like "a Stuck-Halfway-Typist" :) . Already happy to benefit from your great blog ;). Thank youuuuuu...


  •  To be faster in typing is what most of us really need,because we depend on typing in most works in our daily life with a limited time .So,I think learning this way of typing helps alot and it needs only training for many days ! It's really wonderful !

    For me ,I'm a two-finger typist but I will start practicing this way soon ! This is what I need indeed,to be faster in typing .

    Thank you Gabriel for your endless creativity and your effort to provide us with many helpful ways to improve our skills in many fields of knowledge !

    Best wishes,dear!

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