Is there anyone who never gets hurt? I’m sure that all of you ever get hurt. That could happen when you feel lonely, when you hate someone, when someone says painful words, when everyone disagrees with you, when you feel failed, etc. How do you usually overcome all of those conditions? Well, I think some of you are expert in this matter.
Will you let your heart surrender? Means let your heart gets hurt. I hope not. When you get hurt, it means you let yourself hurt. A wise man said, “No one can hurt you without your consent”. When I got this expression, I felt there is a hope. I was trying to find anything that makes me happy, to be grateful for everything I had, at the time I got hurt.
Why did I say when you hate someone you could be hurt? It is because you would remember him/her a lot, put some jealousy on him/her, compare anything with him/her, waste much time for this, etc. Then, when you found he/she is better than you, you would surely get hurt. So, to ignore yourself hurt, just push away your hate first. I believe that this hate will just hurt you more. What do you think?
I’m not saying that I never get hurt or never hate someone. Well, it’s just human nature. But when someone hurt me with rough words or his/her silence, I was trying to wait and see what will happen to the next, being patient. At the moment when I got hurt, you might not believe that I just put a bigger smile for it. Why? At that time, I do self-introspection and the feeling of hate is gone in a split second. Being patient doesn’t mean we are doing nothing, but keep trying to do the virtues. In essentials, I'm not hurt.
What if you are hated or disliked by someone? Does it really make you uncomfortable? Yes, it does. Let's try to go back to do self-introspection and just keep moving on. I remembered a lot this quote from my friend, Evangelina, a wonderful quote, “I don’t have a time to hate people who hate me, because I’m too busy in loving people who love me”. Thanks Eva,, I hope it could help others too.
You, who decide yourself whether you are hurt or not. Keep this last superb quote in mind from Christiano Ronaldo, “Your love makes me strong, your hate makes me unstoppable”.
Thank you for reading my blog. I hope you won’t get hurt by anyone or anything. It's your choice. ;)
Dear TaNjiN, I'm so glad it's useful and you like it. Thank you for dropping by on my blog. It means a lot to me, my dear friend. Have a good day. ^^
:D Thank you JP_TP. Yeah, you got it. :)) I'm happy to see you on my blog.... Have a good day..
Dear friends, being hurt could have so many factors. Here I'm trying to give solution. Thanks for all your nice comments. :)
Hi syah roni,, nice to meet you.
Thank you for giving such analogy. That's quite correct. :)
Dear Anah Sid,,
Thank you for your nice comment. You've completed my blog. I'm so pleased with your comment, Anah. :)
Hi MaYa,,
Yes, it's also true, expectation hurts us more. But, It has a long explanation, so I didn't write about it here because it will be a long blog. hehe..
Put some jealousy to a spouse or family is not a big deal, I guess. Many thanks for your nice comment, Maya. :)
Hi fiona,, nice to meet you. :)
Thank you for your nice comment. That's right, definitely, I agree with you.
Thank you for your really nice comment. I'm so glad to know it's useful for you.
Again, thank you for your compliment. I'm so happy and it encourages me much. Don't get hurt, brother. :)
Dear Expector Smith,,
Thank you for the new phrasal verb, shrug it off.
Hehe, I'll try more. Your encouragement means a lot to us. Many thanks, Doc. :))
Then, HR people are really something. :D. I guess, many people hate them, too. haha.
Thanks for giving your nice comment and agreeing. Yes, the more we're hurt, the more our heart will be trained. I'm glad having you here, sister noas. :)