Does society create mass murders?

I discussed mass murder with a woman a few days ago. She said that society is also responsible for mass murders. However, I don't like this opinion. Of course, there are various problems in all countries, but there isn't any excuse that would support the ideas that we allow mass murder. She seemed to shift the responsibility of mass murderers to society, as if to say "Society creates mass murderers."

There are many people who live without committing a serious crime in the same society, even if they have frustrations with their societies. I think most mass murderers attribute their unfortunate conditions to society and others, not to themselves. This is very selfish.  People who killed many people must be responsible for their actions. Then, we should investigate their backgrounds of their actions so that mass murder will not happen again.

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    • Hi, Rysperski. Humm, I don't blame the western society. Rather, I say, "Don't shift the responsibility of mass murderers to society."

  • Oi there, folks

        I am apt to partly agree with the afore said woman. In societies where "honour" killing is a cultural rite embosed and fostered by its members, mass murder is just a step away.

    • Hello, Rysperski. Thank you for your comment. We confused the word "mass murder". I talk about individual mass murders such as mass shootings in the U.S.

  • I think that ideology stands behind all the mass murders crime throughout history and up until today . The creators of their own supremacy thoughts wants only silly justification to crash and diminish other races worth . The creators of ideology are those who are more powerful . Their ideology help them in protecting their wealth and achievements . It guards them while it is stumbling others around . I can tell you many horrible tales of masscares that are still taking place and the civilized world are watching them joyfully in their comfortable seats and what is more painful some are pouring gasoline over the fires . We are all responsible for spreading awareness against them and fight them valiantly to the last breath .

    • Hi, Rosemary. Thank you for sharing your opinion. You seem to talk about massacres such as the large-scale slaughter of Jews by the Nazis. In the cases, ideology plays an important role. However, I talk about individual mass murders such as mass shootings in the U.S. In that cases, I think mass murders are caused by personal reasons.

  • I partly agree with the woman you discussed this topic since sometimes I'd like becoming a mass politician murder and do a favour to this country lol...

    • Hi, Estanis. Thank you for your comment. Spanish politicians are so bad? I hope you will not become a mass politician murderer.

  • hi Tam

    to be honest society reponsiblity about mass murders  

      they are indicating some religion
    it is terrorist religion

    they are seeing all the black people are criminal 


    • Hello, Publisher of happiness. Thank you for your comment. I am not sure which society you imply, but it seems to be an extremist opinion.

  • Hi Tam

    It makes me sad to hear this. Of course the mass murderers should be investigated till the roots.

    Thank you for sharing.

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