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  • Great Nancy, Suhaib, and Sono. I think you've all got it!
  • I studied the lesson was a little dificult ..

    !-. I see your mother in the morning: was a sudden event

    2.- you are a mess..look at you!! : when some focus in a point

    3-. i was in a party and all the people were dancing while i was watching them, because i have a broken leg

  • I participated that particular Quiz, i had gotten , six out of ten. Last one was too hard, before that blog, i thought watch words or verb, we could you use when person, watching TV, Watching mobile screen. and so on. But after read your awesome blog, i learned , any moving things you look, it mean you watch, it is nice lesson. I impressed, Thanks you sharing.

     In wrote three Sentences and want some explanation, mmm...i think

    I saw  the sunrise ( meant I saw the sunlight informally, or with out concentrate )

    Look at the sunrise ( meant I looked the sunrise formally, or looked the sunrise to any reason with part of sunlight with concentration)

    I watched the sunrise ( meant may be I watched the sunlight on TV, Or any other screen, and may be I watched the sunlight when light had moved gradually)

    Thanking again Tara. Have a nice time.

  • I looked at #10 again. The "just coming up" suggests that a television or movie clip is about to come onto a screen. Something is going to change. We typically use "watch" for this type of situation, especially if it involves a television. But, don't worry too much about it. You seem to have a great understanding of these.
  • I took the quiz and I made a mistake in a sentence.




    10- (Look at) this part, just coming up! It's hilarious. but the correct answer was "watch".. could you tell my why? is it because there is something moving?



    1. I saw the sunrise. (I saw it without an intention.) 
    2. Look at the sunrise. (I want someone to focus on the sunrise.)
    3. I watched the sun rise. (I keep watching the movement of sunrise.)

    What I get it is the word (watch) has been used when we see something with a focus (close to observe) and when we watch something moving. However, we use (look) when we want somebody focus on something abstract. 

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