All first names have social,traditional, or religious meaning .Do you know yours?If yes please let us know it.I start :-ATIKA-means:traditionnal,noble, generous,which has root.

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  • naadhirah - I think I am precious, that is what people say about the meaning of my name!
  • yes indeed,IHSAN is one of the highest quality of a muslim,thank you my friend for visiting my blog ,
    have a nice day.
  • helo Ihsan thank you for sharing with us this blog !
  • Hi Atika,
    my name is ihsan and it means favour, charity and to me sharing and loving.
  • thanks EHSAN for your contribution,
    Your name exists in my country ALGERIA ,but it's a feminine one written IHSSANE ,it has the same meaning as you said,the masculine one is HASSANE(HACANE)or LAHCEN.
  • hi
    mi name is ehsan and it means charity
  • thanks dear Megatlin for this comment it's great !!
  • thanks WIDAD,NASTYA,NOURDDINE for comments
  • thank you for this point . really it is the opportunity for us to discover the real meaning of our first name . my name is noureddine . it is compound from two parts : nour wich meas the light in arabic and ddine wich means religion "of course islam " so the whole meaning is the light of the way ; our religion wich is islam is the only right religion wich shed light for human beings to walk in the clear way . there is no darkness . read about islam and you will see how it is beneficial .and put attention from what's spread in the news wich hate islam and twist it as terrorism or something like that.
  • Hello everybody! My name is Nastya and I don't know what my name means. Atika, maybe you know? Thanks))))
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