Health Effects of Indoor Air PollutantsHealth effects due to indoor air pollutants may be short- as well as long-term. Short-term problems include a stuffy, odorous environment and symptoms such as burning eyes, skin irritation, and headaches. Long-term health problems have a longer latency period or are chronic in nature. The magnitude and duration of detrimental health effects are influenced by the time of exposure, concentration, presence of a preexisting unhealthy condition, and age.Health conditions involving some allergic reactions, including hypersensitivity pneumonitis, allergic rhinitis, and some types of asthma, are triggered by bioaerosols. Symptoms related to bioaerosols include sneezing, coughing, shortness of breath, fever, and dizziness. Infections such as influenza, measles, and chicken pox are also transmitted through the air. Overall, poor air quality may be responsible for a decrease in work performance, general feeling of poor health, reduced ability to concentrate, or illness.
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  • I  am indirectly in touch with this issue and have attended many seminars. The only solution of air pollution is to plant as much as possible and enforce the industrial sectors environmental laws. I have seen many people on social media raising this issue but practically do nothing. We need to come out from our comfort zone and do someting practically 

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