Listen To News: Chinese Probe Makes Lunar Landing ~ 17 December 2013
Discussion Question: China has been investing a lot of time and money into its space program in recent years. Do you think this sucessful Chinese landing will cause the US to put more focus on future lunar missions?
Considering that China always was a counterpoint for USA, I think so, I think USA will be a a bit jealous of another nation set foot on Moon before some years it has itself. On the other hand, I don't believe USA will invest some money into new lunar missions, but, in a certain way USA will try to keep the lunar territory under its influence to the most.
I think America wants to let to the whole world the image as a country that first came to the Moon, and first put a national flag on there. USA is worried about keeping an image of a lunar running patron. It's more a question of status before society than anything, in order to pass on this history along generations.
I think the chief purpose of NASA these days, is to seek and find new colonisable areas in the vastness of Universe. The main aim of American spacial industry is nowadays named Mars, the known red planet.
There are news rumours that in the future we'll capable of dwelling there, because Earth will become an overcrowed place that we'll necessarily have to build up a civilisation out of it.
USA is intended to explore the Universe more and more, in search of smart life, inhabitable planets which water, temperature conditions are viable to our survival. In sum, the big game of our century is the expansion of human population through the ends of our galaxy or even towards outside it.
Besides that, Moon was just a starting point to the 21st century spacial human adventure. Moon it's like a frame that garnishes our endless nocturnal starred sky.
My two cents' worth again:
I know, without the money and the mordern technology, China couldn't have made it. I doubt that it doesn't make sense to spend so much money on the mission. I know we need money to do a lot of other things, but we have reason to explore the space.
We may be tired of "Made in China", but this time people tend to believe it's true that things made in China can be so reliable. China is now the second largest economy, it needs to help explore the outer space. The perfect moon soft landing is not only the honour of the Chinese, it's the proud of all human beings. Back in the 1970s, the Americans and Russians were already spending money on their lunar programs.
Who said "Chinese Dream" is also the "World's Dream". I appreciate every step in exploring the space, no matter who took it.
Nice topic!!!
It's been about 40 years since humans sent such a lunar rover to the moon last time. No wonder the perfect soft landing was given the thumbs up. China shared some of the photos which showed the amazing moon surface and its cute Yutu. It's said moon landing can be more difficult than Mars landing - it's not easy to send something to the moon, even for the USA or Russia.
I agree with you Anele and noaslpls.
If we want to discover the space in order to protect humanity and the earth from any danger threatens us this is a good thing and do not disagree in this. But if it was in order to spy on countries and assassinations and to interfere in the specificities of each country think this is not acceptable to one.
Yes I read opinions says wheat now become a weapon and called green weapon in order to put pressure on the resolutions and the sovereignty of all weak countries, (But I read some articles denies this talk) And to be clear at this point is to provide a real helping hand to these countries money and material means. And how to use these methods and provide theories and good planning .... This is the real help
Unfortunately, now we all see and hear what is going on in some parts of the world wars and the killing and give all kinds of weapons...
The problem in many countries is the lack of capital(some countries) and appropriate planning and exploitation of the good ways and means by which these countries can become able to create a comprehensive growth and achieve its development but unfortunately there is no encourage it!
They encourage all who buys a gun and ignite the devastating wars and kill innocent people and polluting the environment .... millions or billions of the money goes in the destruction and vandalism and not to construction.. I do not need a weapon to kill I need weapon to dig and live in peace.
My friends this is just my opinion, I’m not talking and I do not mean any country here. I’m talking in general, And I know that there is a difference between peoples and countries' policies, But I have great faith in the peoples now.
Have a nice day my friends.
I will salute more if we can find cure for cancer, HIV aids and other diseases. Why do we need to explore the space? Why do we need to find whether we can live in the moon or Mars? We can't even take care our own Earth. Do we need to destroy other planets?
Dear Anele,Your questions correct and on target.
People are diying every day from hunger and poverty on the earth here, and others are thinking about the moon and live in the Moon and....
Science and technology, which is not used in the service of humanity is not a science it is a devastating weapon.Unfortunately, there are states throwing wheat in the seas and oceans while there are people who needs a grain of wheat and cup of milk.