Hello guys,
I decided to take part in Mr. Bob´s Dialogue Challenge and to prove that dialogue is possible to make even though it is just one man - ehm woman show :-D

So here is my link with audio record:

And here is the text:
CRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR (phone is ringing)
Peter: Hello Jane, how are you doing, my friend?
Jane: Hello Peter, to be honest, I am little bit down, that´s why I decided to call you.
Peter: Ohhh, I am sorry to hear that. What´s your problem?
Jane: Well, you know I noticed I gained and since you are personal trainer in the fitness center I wanted to ask you for some advices.
Peter: Jane, to be honest, in your latest facebook profile picture you look little bit ehmmmm how to say it „bigger“ and I was wondering, what is going on with you. Anyway, it is good you decided to ask me, I will do my best to help you. Have you already started doing anything against it?
Jane: Sure, I bought some diet supplements and I reduce my portions. However, I feel so week , yesterday I almost collapsed, so I am sure, something is wrong.
Peter: OHHHHHH NOOO, are you kidding me? Please don´t believe in some magic power of diet supplements, they won´t help you so much. As for eating, you should eat five times a day.
Jane: NOOOOO I can´t do it, to eat five times a day, it would make me even fatter!
Peter: Not at all!!! Depends on what you eat. So remember that you should eat once in three hours.
Jane: But what should I eat?
Peter: Hmmm, that´s good question. Forget about fried, junk food, chips, cakes, chocolates. Instead of it focus on vegetable, fruits, salads, chicken, fish… don´t underestimate your breakfast, never skip it
Jane: Ok Peter, I will think about it. What about drinking? May I take one glass of wine in the evening?
Peter: Oh my gosh, I must be very patient with you, my dear friend. Alcohol contains so many callories, drink water, water and water or some fruit, herbal tea and don´t forget to drink one glass of water in the morning before you take breakfast.
Jane: Well, when I am thinking about it, it means that my life will be totally changed since the start of the next month. WOOW, hmm, I am so excited about it, I love it! So thank you Peter, thank you.
Peter: Why can´t you start right now? Those who say I will start in some days, will never succeed!!! And the last thing, don´t forget about sport, try to be active, do some sport activity three times a week. By the way you can visit me in the gym.
Jane: OHHHH, please have some mercy on me, you know I am just poor blonde girl who is trying to get it all. Anyway, I have to leave now to polish my nails, so see you soon in the gym! Byeee
Peter: Ok girl, m curious if you can make it, you can call me whenever you want to. Take care, bye.

Well, I hope nobody will start searching free bed for me in the madhouse after listening to it!!! :D Just take it as a fun :-p

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  • Hi Lucinka!

    This is an amazing artwork!

    I enjoyed listening to your dialogue, especially that cool and sexy bass voice! :P

    Your pronunciation is so clear and good that I wonder if you aren't a national English speaker.

    Well, is it so bad to have a bed in a madhouse, if there are only 1-2 people outside and all your friends are with you in that house? ;-)

    But if you don't want, I will have two beds there instead of one (mine) :D

    Thank you veeeeery much for sharing, Lucinka! Keep performing in this way! :D

  • I really enjoyed listening to the recording. You have done a great job, I must say you are fun loving person. :)
  • afroo...just click on the link I posted above ;-)
  • I want to hear you!

  • Aneleeee, it was supposed to be dialogue by schisophrenic :D

    Komala, thank dear :)
  • wow wonderful! Luci, you are very good u know. thanks meh.

  • You did a wonderful monologue, haha!  

  • March,
    yeah Peter was tired after the whole day :-D

    Mr. Bob,
    thanx for nice words and if you want to post your record - click on comment - and then on the bottom of it on left side is written in red color ADD FILE :-) M looking forward to your record!

  • I have a second comment because I have a recording I would upload here but do not know how to upload one to a group. I know how to put music on my page, but do we have a place to upload recordings to the group?

    I am cold and sleepy now and want to go back to sleep so I hope someone has an easy answer for my dialogue recorded on an iPhone. It is not as good as Luci's dialogue but two of us did one using the phone for a recorder. I hope someone knows a good way to do this because I feel too lazy and sleepy to do the research at 4:20 AM :D

  • I read this yesterday and then tonight or rather 4:00 AM this morning I got to listen. Very funny! I love the voices of the two characters. Great job Luci, this is what I was hoping people would do as pairs, but your talented voice made it great with only one performer :)

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