It's always hard to make a decision.
I am exciting when things I made seem great,
but then, somehow, I happen to feel bad, really bad.
I ask myself, "Why are you feeling so bad?" and I say,
"Because I'm afraid. "
I'm afraid if I made a bad decision. I'm afraid if there were
better chances and I missed them.
I know that in the end it's me who can calm me down
but when I am so afraid, I need someone telling
me 'It's okay. Everything's okay. You are doing a good job.'
So I wrote this post, though it's little depressing for the first
post;), but I thought it would be helpful if I tell those warm
words to myself by writing.
It seems little late, but...
Those who read my first post!
Hi. I'm Carol. I joined this site cause I like English, and I want to learn a lot from you. Glad to meet you here. Have a good day, everyone!
@The Darknight Hi! I was still little nervous about a decision I had made, so your words really helped. I'll take it in my mind. Thank you!
Express by writing if there is any hesitation to express your feelings in spoken before anyone. In this way we get our nerve relaxed and feel the burden relieved off heart.
Glad to see you on MyEC, dear Carol. You are most welcome to MyEC family, and congratulations on your first blog! I loved your writing. When I feel something like why/how/what I hear someone whispering to me "everything happens for a good reason" and it's always right with me.
Happy learning!